“Nothing can defeat you, if you make up your mind to fight and nothing can save you, if you have accepted defeat.”

“The hit to men’s self-esteem is made worse because men consistently view themselves as smarter and more competent than they actually are. One study found that men routinely overestimate their IQ by five points, while women underestimate theirs by the same amount…..Let’s be absolutely clear on this: The men weren’t lying. They truly believed that they performed better than they actually did. They were quite confident that their performance was superior. It can be devastating, then, to be faced with a woman who is more successful–implicitly suggesting the man has failed.”

“Celebrate every day, every moment, every success and every failure. Life is a celebration of love and consciousness.”

“Sometimes you have to go through temporary discomfort and make temporary sacrifices; in order to get long term success and comfort.”

“Work-life balance” seems to have become the best excuse for many people not to take responsibility for their professional and personal growth. But this “balance” that all of us love to talk about is not something conceptual. It is achieved by strategic, focused, hard work. It doesn’t come by default or when we say the magic words. That’s why many of us are leading lives far from our potential for success and fulfillment — because we wait for balance to happen, and it never does. I’ve been there, and it sucks.Most of us haven’t taken a single hour of our lives to think about what work-life balance means to us. Needless to say, we put zero effort into planning about it, working for it, living it. Open your calendar and show me what your work-life balance looks like. In 99 percent of cases, it’s not there — it’s nowhere to be found.”

“Success comes to us only after our acceptance that being just good isn’t good enough, we must put best of our efforts to become the best.”

“The Mind Of A Visionary Can Travel To Paradise On Bear Foot.”

“I’ll define my success and create a definite path towards my envisaged future while using other successful people’s stories or experience as reference points (and not exact blueprints).”

“We’re all under pressure Strangled by stressesIf you treasure what you do have That’s the success, that’s most impressive”

“When the warrior fails in any one particular pursuit of knowledge he is not defeated, because in walking the path of knowledge we fight many battles – some we win, some we lose. Success lies not in how many battles we have won, but in how well we have fought.”

“Failure are given power, not success ..”

“Because I keep it real and reality is a ruthless bitch. Plus I wanna make money – you cool with that?” – Gable”

“People who are going to be successful know it’s gonna happen. And those people tend to hustle until it does happen.”

“If I have succeeded better than many who surround me, it has been chiefly – may I say almost solely – from universal assiduity.”