“Leadership is not only for a few people, leadership is for everyone and anyone who wants to lead.”

“Your leadership ability is determined by their leadership gap.”

“No matter how gifted a leader is, their gifts will never reach their maximum potential without the application of self-belief.”

“One of the most important lessons a leader can learn is how trust works.”

“Trust is the foundation of great leadership.”

“Too much fanfare spoils success.”

“The moment you need to get started is called “now”.”

“If you are passionate about something, then give your whole soul to it, but be careful my friend, not to ignore that one person in pursuit of your goal, who has been your only support when everyone else mocked at you.”

“The only secret to success is…YOU!”

“Hard life… write more! Life sucks… write more! No matter what don’t stop. Keep to the grind and don’t let up. Somewhere out there is your ramp to success. Forget about the exits or the shortcuts along the way. Stay on the highway and when the ramp comes… take it and go!”

“Leadership is developed daily, not in a day.”

“Success is within the reach of just about everyone.”

“A person’s impact is only a fraction of what it could be with great leadership.”

“The greater the impact you want to make, the greater your influence needs to be.”

“Whatever you will accomplish is restricted by your ability to lead others.”