“Whatever you will accomplish is restricted by your ability to lead others.”

“Google Analytics is the best friend of all Digital Marketers as it dictates the decision making and success of every websites.”

“Never mind, you know the word must; with that word one does many things.”

“Leaders are readers and learners are earners.”

“Many times, success begins when we leave our comfort zone.”

“Meaningful work gives life purpose and connects you to something bigger than yourself.”

“Success comes from continually expanding your frontiers in every direction – creatively, financially, spiritually, and physically.”

“Break the mold, do whatever the hell you want within your abilities. Don’t overextend yourself to create a false appearance of wealth and success”

“Those who dig for water and give up, make potholes. Those who persist and dig deep, make a well.”

“When you turn your problem into passion, your solution becomes success.”

“ফুলের অনেক বৈচিত্র বা রঙের জৌলুশ আছে। এগুলো তার সাফল্য। কিন্ত যে গন্ধ দিয়ে সে আমাদের মন ভোলায়, তা হলো তার সার্থকতা।”

“Nothing was going to compromise my freedom to walk the streets whenever, wherever and with whomever I wanted. I saw fame as being akin to living in a high-security prison and I didn’t want to go there. How can you win just enough and then leave the table? Go to a Gamblers Anonymous meeting and you’ll see it’s easier said than done. I’d have to be very careful to not let things get out of control. I resolutely avoided looking at charts, bank balances, reviews, radio or television appearances, and carried on like nothing out of the ordinary had happened.”

“It’s when I’m on the road to somewhere that I really wish that I was on the road to nowhere.”

“Living great lives just means you have grown the skill muscles necessary to make choices in line with your dreams and purpose.”

“A degree, designation and dictionary put together aren’t enough to make substantial difference in life. It is acumen, attitude and fortitude that finally matters.”