All Quotes By Tag: Success
“The greatest ‘victory’ in any victory is that I didn’t make it about myself.”
“Don’t let your dreams be just dreams. Make it a reality.”
“stay hungry my friends ….. and you will conquer what you think is impossible !!!”
“You can cry again or You can try again. Choice is yours.”
“Be armed with purpose, persistence and intention and the enemy called defeat will choose another to battle.”
“From the moment you think you have made it, is the beginning of the end.”
“Whatever you strive to do, as long as you do it your best, its enough.”
“999 times I failed in vain,In next attempt I won andUnlocked the chain.Then flew above the clouds,got rid of rain,Finally clutched success and felt pity on pain.”
“Small thinking keeps small businesses small”
“Either you shine in the dark or get lost in the light.”
“Confidence is the underwear of achievement”
“It doesn’t matter the size of step you take, but that you take one. I know you are constrained and cannot do many things, but you can do something.”
“The biggest mistake some people make is underestimating their own ability.”
“In our journey between Thinking to Improve and Trying to Improve exists the first stop called Willpower, and most of the travelers’ never go past this place, thinking that only thing matters is the resolution to reach the destination, but success needs completion of journey and that requires crossing the next two stops: determination & hard-work.”
“What do you want to be when you grow up,” asked the goat her ambitious lamb.” A wolf,” answered the lamb.”