All Quotes By Tag: Success
“Victory in itself expires which is why you must win daily.”
“There’s no success without sacrifice.”
“Persistence refines the miserable piece of carbon in you into the purest form of diamond.”
“The stories we create to understand ourselves become the narratives of our lives, explaining the accidents and choices that have brought us where we are: what I’m good at, what I care about most, and where I’m headed.”
“That man who is regular and punctual will get sure success in all walks of life.”
“Mafanikio ni matokeo mazuri ya jambo lolote na ni tofauti kwa kila mtu. Kama ulivyo uzuri, mafanikio yapo katika macho ya aonaye. Ni jukumu lako kujua mafanikio yana maana gani kwako, na jinsi gani umeyapata mafanikio hayo.”
“Your passport to influencing others is emotional intelligence, your fabric to choosing the right friends is social intelligence, your path to creating lasting wealth is financial intelligence, and your key to identifying your future is brand intelligence.”
“Next to her, in the place where we were born, I was only a decoration, that is, I bore witness to Lila’s merits. Those who had known us from birth attributed to her, to the force of her attraction, the fact that the neighborhood could have on its streets an esteemed person like me.”
“Your life would be a success if you had just one sentence to carve on your tombstone. They say that Stendhal spent his lifetime searching for the sentence to carve on his tombstone.”
“Adaptability is a most desirable habit or quality for success in life.”
“A talent is a gift from God.”
“In the race of life, of death, no runner is ahead, no runner behind.”
“SUCCESS TONIC• 1 tsp confidence• 1 tsp courage• 2 tsp patience• 4 tsp prayer• 4 tsp perseverance• 4 tsp joy• 6 tsp enthusiasmTake one teaspoonful of this tonic three times daily.”
“The people who brag, who show off are the ones who got nothing underneath, who are insecure and that tiny little show is all that they got in that tiny nut shell, while a really treasurer, a real successful person is the one who stays quite and enjoys the show others put on”
“Rational argument can be conducted with some prospect of success only so long as the emotionality of a given situation does not exceed a critical degree.”