“stay hungry my friends ….. and you will conquer what you think is impossible !!!”

“Fight everyday for a better life.”

“Ready to feel again. Ready to trust again. Ready to love again. The heart gets knocked down but it does not stay down.”

“We’re survivors. There’s nothing we can’t do.”

“A fighter never gives up. His scars are his ornaments. He may never be whole, yet he’s bigger than all his battles and beautiful, even in his brokenness.”

“Today I wore a pair of faded old jeans and a plain grey baggy shirt. I hadn’t even taken a shower, and I did not put on an ounce of makeup. I grabbed a worn out black oversized jacket to cover myself with even though it is warm outside. I have made conscious decisions lately to look like less of what I felt a male would want to see. I want to disappear.”