“Self-will can either destroy or catapult your ministry.”

“Just a grain can bring a bird down from the skies.”

“The power of testimony is progress.”

“Ten Keys To Success: Number 0; there is no easy or guaranteed recipe. Number 11: some else’s path to it will not be yours.”

“Being successful is nothing but an act of removing the illusion that something is impossible.”

“Fail, fail and fail again – but never let those failures keep you from moving ahead.”

“You’re either 100% committed or just 99% committed to your outcomes.”

“Problems and failure are part of distillation process they will boil you, heat you but in the end when cooling is applied and you get condensed, you will find pure form of yourself”

“In a world where everyone was trying to radiate success while praying for actual profits, Brooke’s margins narrowed and narrowed.”

“When we consciously tie our most significant dreams to our daily actions, we pull ourselves out of the muck and step firmly onto the path that leads to success.”

“How does one know you’ve “made it”?You no longer feel like you have anything to prove to anyone. You have no regrets or resentments from the past, anger that you’re working from. No people you want revenge on or songs you want to sing in order to finally speak your mind. Instead, you work from a place of wanting to do the work only, without any attachment to the outcome.”

“Keep Trying” is forever, because the arrival time for success is uncertain. So, giving a time-frame to success is an invitation to the feeling of uncertainty, success arrives early to people who are scared of failures, they keep trying to be better at the job and in the process end-up avoiding failures.”

“Confronting your enemy in anger feeds your ego, but diminishes your chance of success.”

“If I can promise you anything, it would be that you can do anything in this world as long as you’re willing to put enough work into it. Nothing in this world is unachievable.”

“How can youtransform yourlife, whileconstantlysearching forvalues to liveby, withoutexpectingreward?”