“Keystone habits say that success doesn’t depend on getting every single thing right, but instead relies on identifying a few key priorities and fashioning them into powerful levers.”

“We ought to relentlessly ignore excuses, especially those we are told by ourselves.”

“Be careful when shining the light of your success among those with an envious spirit, for there will be no celebration for your success within a robbery.”

“I am a great believer in Luck. The harder I work, the more of it I seem to have.”

“There are always two risks. There’s the risk of not trying something new, and there’s the risk of not trying it. . . . Either way, there’s risk. And sometimes stepping out and trying something new is actually the less risky thing to do.”

“Down and out? You are not alone! Most people have gone through that process. Yet today, they are a success.”

“What do they teach your little girl in school? To be truthful and ambitious. Show me one man who is happy without breaking a few rules, without feeding the misery of a few others. If you can flaunt your success, your immoral acts become inconsequential.”

“Mothers who live vicariously through the success of their children or husband need to find their own identity. While it is wonderful to see your children and husband become successful, what is even more effective is to lead and inspire through the example of your own successes. – Strong by Kailin Gow”

“I fail forward. I don’t allow failure to get the better part of me. Failure strengthens my determination to succeed. I learn lessons from my failure, and use those lessons to map out strategies to succeed. I’m always stronger than before. Failing to succeed!”

“In order to be successful as a woman, teach your daughter to never apologize for her success. Men never have to apologize for it, why should the women who earned it? – Raising A Strong Daughter: What Fathers Should Know by Finlay Gow JD and Kailin Gow MA”

“Be unique. Tread smart. Stay original. Keep being YOU. Don’t allow anyone tell you otherwise.”

“The sky is the limit when the universe is involved.”

“The top challengers are usually understood, but there are always a few dark horses in the running for every major tournament.” —Oscar Auliq-Ice”

“Success is achieved by developing our strengths, not by eliminating our weaknesses.”