“A nationalist will blindly follow his country to his death out of love for it. A patriot will stand up for and even against his country to his death out of love for it.”

“Success is not got in twinkling of an eye.”

“…There is no greater dividing force in this world than self-interest…”

“What is the purpose of achieving your dream if the people you had dreamed your achievements for are no longer there to reap the benefits?”

“We always emerge from the death of a loved one like a phoenix arising from its funeral pyre.”

“When somebody you love dies, a phase of life’s innocence dies with that person, and a part of you dies as well.”

“Societies and people that come close to being happy are those that do well in narrowing the disparity between their desires and their needs, especially the material things of life.”

“In the world of today, human desires far supersede human needs. Waste, as you can see, is the result of all of those contradictions. That is how we ended up complicating our world.”

“Judgments based on preconceptions make life simple for us to deal with since that means we safely shield ourselves behind barriers of preconception that helped us feel safe in whatever views or assumptions we are having.”

“…No man is foolish when his friend betrays him because a man’s world is most serene when he has people to trust and call friends. After all, is it not often said that a friend is another self?”

“Most people have this tendency to make judgments on others based on preconceptions, especially when they are dealing with them for the first time.”

“It is not something we often find out; but most of the specially-gifted have a deep desire to be ordinary.”

“Writers are the most tormented of all the different categories of artists that are out there in the world.”

“We, humans, have come up with so many superficialities that are completely unnecessary for our existence and happiness on earth.”

“In today’s world, human desires far supersede human needs. Waste, as you can see, is the result of that disparity.”