“If you really want to be financially wealthy, you must begin to convert your time into producing something for the world.”

“The world only gives money to those who have converted their time into products.”

“Your ability to overcome distractions will determine how long you can stay in solitude.”

“If you ever desire to gain the mastery over any skill and talent, then, you must convert as much time as Sebastian Bach converted.”

“It is the conversion of time that produces results and products.”

“You can only become great through the power of time conversion.”

“If you really one to become great, you must practice the rule of ten thousand hours.”

“If you can practice the rule of ten thousand hours, you will be amazed to find out how easy it is to become the best in that your area of calling.”

“Time is the wealth through which everything comes into existence.”

“Products are only gotten from a time well converted and that financial wealth is a product of time.”

“Time is needed to convert all ideas and added values into the tangible products that benefits the world.”