All Quotes By Tag: Wisdom
“Haste is from the Devil.”
“Accept the past as the past and realize that each new day you are a new person who doesn’t need to carry old baggage into the new day with you. It’s amazing how many people ruin the beauty of today with the sorrows of yesterday. Yesterday doesn’t exist anymore! For example, if ever I feel foolish or guilty about something I’ve done, I learn from it and attempt to do better the next time. Shame or guilt serves no one. Such feelings actually keep us down, often lowering the vibrations of those around us, as well. Living in the present moment is the recurring baptism of the soul, forever purifying every new day with a new you.”
“Anything that comes your way by force was not meant for you. Everything that locates you on it’s own was yours and will be yours forever.”
“Whether we walk among our people or alone among the hills, happiness in life’s walking depends on how we feel about others in our hearts.”
“The only wisdom we can hope to acquireIs the wisdom of humility: humility is endless.”
“You are conditioned to believe that if you let go, if you surrender, you will either be a victim of circumstances and not assertive in your own being, or you will be viewed as being lazy, lacking in willpower, and un-motivated.Yet will and power cannot exist alongside one another. Motivation does not come into question when you surrender fully into the present moment. Motivation to do, to take action, to make moves, comes naturally from this surrender.”
“It is not Sufism if it does not perform its function for you. A cloak is no longer a cloak if it does not keep a man warm.”
“The function of a nutrient is to become transmuted, not to leave unaltered traces.”
“Remember that we’re living in a place that is temporary. No matter what you believe in the end of time I don’t care about it. As of now.. live your life, cut those negative thoughts and actions, reach your dreams and goals.”
“Am I a man of great wisdom? Hardly! Even when a simple person brings me a question, my mind goes utterly blank, I just thrash it out until I’ve exhausted every possibility.”
“While psychiatry is concerned with the question of why some people become insane, the real question is why most people do not become insane.”
“You cannot explore the universe if you think that you are the center of it.”
“Your actions will always be what the world sees, but people who choose to see through God’s eyes will always have the compassion to understand why.”
“I have suffered great losses and have been blessed with great consolations, but whatever life may give me or take away, this is the simple wisdom that will always light my life: I have loved, passionately, fearlessly, with all my heart and all my soul, and I have been loved in return. For me, this is enough.”
“Use time to create the nature of God in yourself”