“That’s how I want to go. Taking my own way out and totally pissing everybody off at the end.”

“Wait.” Stefan’s voice was hard suddenly. Bonnie and Elena turned back and froze, embracing each other, trembling. “What is your—your father—going to do to you when he finds out that you allowed this?””He will not kill me,” Sage said brusquely, the wild tone back in his voice. “He may even find it as amusant as I do, and we will be sharing a belly laugh tomorrow.”

“Each of them had done their best. Matt was still his friend. For Meredith, maybe the day would come when she could look at him and not think “inhuman” — or at least not think it immediately and constantly. Maybe Bonnie, the moth, would be able to stay away from the unholy flame. Now, there was something to worry about. He could all too easily see Bonnie taking a walk on the very wild side with Damon. His brother had a soft spot for her already, she knew. But if either of them had a problem, he already knew what he had to do to find a plan for a solution.Just look up.”

“More than anything.” Rob persisted. “You’d crawl on your belly over broken glass for her. Easy.”

“And to see the white flash of Klaus’s eyes as he whirled on her. For one stunned instant she stared at him, and then lightning crackled.From an empty sky.”

“And Meredith and Bonnie, who’s going to bend some spoons for us next. I’m going to throw you down a rope… that is, unless Bonnie can levitate you out.”

“And just then Damon stepped out of the coat closet, and at the same time Aunt Maggie tripped him neatly and said, “Bathroom door beside you,” and picked up a vase and hit the rising Damon over the head with it. Hard.”

“Bonnie, believe in me. I’ll save you.I remember how to fly.”

“Come on, it’s an American tradition. Apple soup? Mom’s homemade chicken pie?’ She chuckled in spite of herself, then winced. ‘It’s apple pie and Mom’s homemade chicken soup. But you didn’t do badly, for a start.”

“Yeah, tell me I’m a bottle of single malt scotch, she thought. That’s the way to my heart.”

“Why do people always assume that volume will succeed when logic won’t? – Damon”

“That was courage, Keller thought. Not doing something without being afraid, but doing something even though you were afraid.”

“I’m sorry Elena. I know that you want to help, but put yourself in her shoes, everything that happened tonight was to save you and that’s OK because she loves you so much. But somehow she’s always the one who gets hurt.”

“The image isn’t reality. Even though we’re used to thinking that way alot of the time. We show a kid a picture of a dog and say ‘This is a doggie’ – but it’s not. It’s just an image.”

“Maybe it just means that love can be stronger than fear.”