“The tragedy of our age is salary”

“The tragedy of our age is that even the educational system and world system is set up in such a way that you will not even know that you were created for something”

“She felt time in the lean muscles in her thighs and rounded bottom when she pushed herself off the ground. She felt time in the way her arms and legs pumped when she walked into the river, bathed herself in the cool reflected surface of the dark pool under the waterfall. Josephine felt the possibility of time the night she watched the couple bend, release, break, and come back together on the trunk of the hundred-year-old tree. -The Girl with Dragonfly Wings”

“You get to a point where even the bad time flies.”

“Though Shakespeare and his writings did not get much value during his age, ‘time’ has aptly given him his due respect later!”

“Hypocrisy is something I have learned saturates every level of our society. I see it more with my old age than I did then. At some stage I started questioning everything that I was being taught and turned against various aspects of my upbringing. Maybe I had my reasons and maybe I needed new ways to cope.”

“যদিও শেইক্সপীয়ার ও তাঁর লেখা তাঁর যুগে খুব বেশি মূল্য পায়নি, ‘সময়’ তাঁকে পরে তাঁর প্রাপ্য সম্মানটুকু ঠিকই দিয়েছে!”

“The dusty tombs of long-dead exorcist priests lay in the alcoves below, surmounted by stone effigies, the features eroded by the passing of time and the reverent caresses of their grateful parishioners, a reminder, she knew all too well, of the brevity of life.”

“Ce matin, l’idée m’est venue pour la première fois que mon corps, ce fidèle compagnon, cet ami plus sûr, mieux connu de moi que mon âme, n’est qu’un monstre sournois qui finira par dévorer son maître.”

“Time was a dazzling lie, a magician worth a bird in his hat. The truth, I felt certain, was that everything happened at once. How old was I? I was every age at the same time. All the days of our lives were today.”

“I miss being the age when I thought I’d have my shit together by the time I was the age I am now..”

“The time is now, the person is you; better your life and become a name to conjure with in this day and age.”

“We often hear about stepping outside ourselves, but rarely about stepping outside our generation.”

“A man that is young in years may be old in hours if he have lost no time. ”

“Now I wonder if it means that the future is a place, or like a place, that I could go to; that is go to in some way otherthan just getting older.”