“Suddenly I realized that I wanted everything to be as it was when I was younger. When you’re young enough, you don’t know that you live in a cheap lousy apartment. A cracked chair is nothing other than a chair. A dandelion growing out of a crack in the sidewalk outside your front door is a garden. You could believe that a song your parent was singing in the evening was the most tragic opera in the world. It never occurs to you when you are very young to need something other than what your parents have to offer you.”

“Wisdom is justified by all her children.Luke 7:35”

“The very old and the very young have something in common that makes it right that they should be left alone together. Dawn and sunset see stars shining in a blue sky; but morning and midday and afternoon do not, poor things.”

“Children are gifts. They are not ours for the breaking. They are ours for the making.”

“I’ve been the oldest child since before you were born”

“Dads. It’s time to show our sons how to properly treat a woman. It’s time to show our daughters how a girl should expect be treated. It’s time to show forgiveness and compassion. It’s time to show our children empathy. It’s time to break social norms and teach a healthier way of life! It’s time to teach good gender roles and to ditch the unnecessary ones. Does it really matter if your son likes the color pink? Is it going to hurt anybody? Do you not see the damage it inflicts to tell a boy that there is something wrong with him because he likes a certain color? Do we not see the damage we do in labeling our girls “tom boys” or our boys “feminine” just because they have their own likes and opinions on things? Things that really don’t matter?”

“أولادكم ليسوا لكمأولادكم أبناء الحياة المشتاقة إلى نفسها, بكم يأتون إلى العالم, ولكن ليس منكم.ومع أنهم يعيشون معكم, فهم ليسوا ملكاً لكم.أنتم تستطيعون أن تمنحوهم محبتكم, ولكنكم لا تقدرون أن تغرسوا فيهم بذور أفكاركم, لأن لهم أفكارأً خاصةً بهم.وفي طاقتكم أن تصنعوا المساكم لأجسادكم.ولكن نفوسهم لا تقطن في مساكنكم.فهي تقطن في مسكن الغد, الذي لا تستطيعون أن تزوروه حتى ولا في أحلامكم.وإن لكم أن تجاهدوا لكي تصيروا مثلهم.ولكنكم عبثاً تحاولون أن تجعلوهم مثلكم.لأن الحياة لا ترجع إلى الوراء, ولا تلذ لها الإقامة في منزل الأمس.أنتم الأقواس وأولادكم سهام حية قد رمت بها الحياة عن أقواسكم.فإن رامي السهام ينظر العلامة المنصوبة على طريق اللانهاية, فيلويكم بقدرته لكي تكون سهامه سريعة بعيدة المدى.لذلك, فليكن التواؤكم بين يدي رامي السهام الحكيم لأجل المسرة والغبطة.لأنه, كما يحب السهم الذي يطير من قوسه, هكذا يحب القوس الذي يثبت بين يديه.”

“Age does not make us childish, as some say; it finds us true children.”

“Truth was such a tricky thing when it came to children. When was it good medicine and when was it poison”

“Give your children big truths they will grow into rather than light explanations they will grow out of.”

“It’s not our job to toughen our children up to face a cruel and heartless world. It’s our job to raise children who will make the world a little less cruel and heartless.”

“The measure of a man is determined by the distance between his knees and the ground. The less the distance, the greater the man.”

“We need to take a good look at our children and see them through the eyes of God, their Creator. We must realize that these children are our gifts given by God. These children, TRULY belong to HIM.”

“Imagine there is no God. There is no Heaven or Hell. There is only your son and his son and his son, and the world you leave for them.”

“A father must be good to his wife and daughter, because from watching this treatment — the son will learn how to treat all women, and his daughter will know what a good man is supposed to act like. And a mother must always remain morally good and faithful to her husband, be attentive to all her children, and be filled with patience, forgiveness, kind words, compassion and love — so her children are raised to respect all mothers, and know what a good woman is supposed to act like. If you neglect your fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, husbands, and wives, then don’t be surprised when the Creator is forced to neglect you. Neglect, and you will be neglected. Protect, and you will be protected. Reject, and you will be rejected. Love all, and all that love will be mirrored by the Creator — and reflected back onto YOU.”