“In death, when our physicality is stripped away and our essence released to join the eternal song of creation, there is no sin or offense, no judgment or worry.”

“Humans are about to grasp basic substances of all creations. When that moment comes, life or death are no longer matters.”

“The striving of humanity for knowledge and truth [can] not be suppressed. The growth of the spirit [is]an essential part of Creation; it was planned like the growth of the body, of the plants and animals and people – every living thing that God had created.”

“To believe that this world, this universe with all its beauty and complexity is the result of a bunch of accidents is like believing that the Earth is flat or that the stars are just pinpricks in a celestial curtain behind which eternity shines.”

“God was under no compulsion to create; but that does not signify that there was anything incidental or inconsequential about his act of creation. God is all that he does, and so his act of creating is not something that separates from himself. In God’s heart and in his love, each one of us has always existed. From all eternity God saw each one of us as an idea or thought in his divine mind, and for each one from all eternity he has a special and distinctive plan. We have always existed for him; creation signifies that at a certain point in time we begin to exist also for ourselves.”

“I sincerely believe we are created by a Creator to be creative. This is part of His image we bear, this bringing forth of beauty, life, newness…It looks like art, it looks like music, it looks like community, it looks like splendor. That thing in you that wants to make something beautiful? It is holy.”

“God is putting his world back together, and to do that he’s using the very people who broke it.”

“We don’t have a hard time realizing how messed up we are messed up we are. I know I’m broken. I know I’m deeply flawed. I know I’m not good enough. You don’t need to shout those things out at me from the corner of the street with your sandwich board–I already know them. But you tell me I have inherent worth and value based on who made me, not what I do and I think, Really? Are you sure? But…That’s subversive. In a culture that continually strips humans of dignity (homelessness, exploitation of the poor, objectifying women, abortion, euthanasia, and so forth), we have to return to shalom. We have to return to that special declaration God shouted over humans thousands of years ago in that wonderful garden–“So God created man in his own image.”

“Image-bearers always go in or on a temple. And they can’t move. They are metal, wood, stone, etc. But in Genesis the images are flesh. A divine mix of spirit, flesh, love, and humanness. And Adam and Eve are placed in the garden, which is God saying loud and clear that from the beginning he wants to flood the earth with his presence. The whole world is his temple.”

“God did not create man to live in sorrow because of his past mistakes, He created him to recreate the future he want for himself, his spouse, his children and his children’s children.”

“স্রষ্টার উপস্থিতি উপলব্ধি করার বিষয়। এটা বীজগণিতের কোনও সুত্র নয় যে অংক করতে বসলাম আর প্রমাণ করে ফেললাম! মানুষ, জীবজন্তু, প্রকৃতি ইত্যাদির প্রতি গভীর পর্যবেক্ষণ থাকলে অবশ্যই স্রষ্টার অস্তিত্ব অনুভব করা যায়। যেমন, আমার এক ফেইসবুক পোস্টে আমি উল্লেখ করেছিলাম যে মানুষের হাতের ৪টি আঙুল পাশাপাশি অবস্থান করছে ঠিকই কিন্তু একটি আঙুল মানে বৃদ্ধাঙ্গুল ঐ ৪টি আঙুল থেকে অনেকটা দূরে, আকৃতিগতভাবে ছোট এবং অন্য আঙুলগুলোর চেয়ে অনেকটাই আলাদা। এখন এটা বলা নির্বুদ্ধিতাই হবে যে বৃদ্ধাঙ্গুলের অবস্থান কাকতালীয়ভাবেই এমন। সৃষ্টিকর্তা ভালো করেই জানেন এবং বোঝেন যে হাতের সব আঙুল একই আকৃতির ও গঠনের হলে আমাদের কোনও কিছু ধরতে বা কোনও কাজ করতে অনেক কঠিন বা রীতিমত অসম্ভব হবে! তাই তিনি আমাদের হাতের বৃদ্ধাঙ্গুলটিকে অন্য ৪টি আঙুল থেকে একটু দূরে রেখেছেন! একটু অন্যভাবে ব্যাখ্যা দিলে বিষয়টি আরও পরিস্কার হবে। শিশুর জন্মের পর পিতামাতা যেমন তার সুস্থতার প্রতি ভীষণভাবে মনোযোগী হন, সে যাতে তার খাওয়া-দাওয়া, হাঁটাচলা, কথা বলা ইত্যাদি কোনোরকম ঝামেলা ছাড়াই স্বতঃস্ফূর্তভাবে করতে পারে সে ব্যাপারে সচেষ্ট হন, স্রষ্টাও তেমনি মানুষ তথা সমগ্র প্রাণীকুলের সার্বিক সুস্থতা, সুবিধা এবং স্বাভাবিকতার কথা ভেবেই তাদেরকে নির্দিষ্ট আকার, আকৃতি ও গঠন প্রদান করেছেন!”

“When the opening verses of Genesis say that we were created in the image and likeness of God, it is helpful to remember that this means we are actually created in the image and likeness of LOVE. We were created by love. We were created to receive love. We were created to reflect love. Our entire purpose for existing is to love.”

“Life is not about human beings alone. If you read any of my books to your ailing pets and all animals and creation, healing takes place for the Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is a wonderful healer of all things and all creation…Hallelujah”

“In her eye I see that the eagle must even know my name and, by the gaping of her beak, will shortly scream my name, and this terrifies me. For shall my name be screamed in judgment or in blessing? And what shall be my name when it resounds to the four corners of the earth?”

“Susannah found herself remembering the time she had asked her father, a quiet but deeply cynical man, if he believed there was a God in heaven who guided the course of human events. Well, he had said, I think it’s sort of half’n half, Odetta. I’m sure there’s a God but I don’t think He has much if anything to do with us these days; I believe that after we killed His son, He finally got it through His head that there wasn’t nothing to be done with the sons of Adam or the daughters of Eve, and he washed His hands of us. Wise fella.”