“The dead were just the dead, neither awful nor remarkable. History separated out these individuals and preserved their names where others were obilterated for ever.”

“…why can’t I stop all the moving and look out over the vast arrangements and find by the contours and colors and qualities of light where my father is, not to solve anything but just simply even to see it again one last time, before what, before it ends, before it stops. But it doesn’t stop; it simply ends. It is a final pattern scattered without so much as a pause at the end, at the end of what, at the end of this.”

“Some years later, long after he and Megadeth parted company, Jay Jones was stabbed to death with a butter knife during-rumor has it-a fight over a bolonga sandwich. That’s not funny, of course. But, if you knew Jay, neither is it particularly suprising.”

“I remember that day in early May after Le Vesconte’s and Private Pilkington’s brief joint burial service, one of the men suggested that we name the small spur of land where they were buried “Le Vesconte Point,” but Captain Crozier vetoed that idea, saying that if we named every place where one of us might end up buried after the dead person there, we’d run out of land before we ran out of names.”

“It seems that the people of Oran are like that friend of Flaubert who, on the point of death, casting a last glance at the irreplaceable earth, exclaimed: “Close the window, it’s too beautiful.”

“That’s my town,’ Joaquin said. ‘What a fine town, but how the buena gente, the good people of that town, have suffered in this war.’ Then, his face grave, ‘There they shot my father. My mother. My brother-in-law and now my sister.’ ‘What barbarians,’ Robert Jordan said. How many times had he heard this? How many times had he watched people say it with difficulty? How many times had he seen their eyes fill and their throats harden with the difficulty of saying my father, or my brother, or my mother, or my sister? He could not remember how many times he heard them mention their dead in this way. Nearly always they spoke as this boy did now; suddenly and apropos of the mention of the town and always you said, ‘What barbarians.”

“If life is worth living for so is it worth dying.”

“Here is a minute. It may be my love is dead, but here is a minute to kneel over the grave and pray by it.”

“As if the dead really do persist, even in a bottle of wine.”

“[death]…the abyss from where no traveler is permitted to return”

“Don’t you have a religion?” Dorolow asked Horza.”Yes,” he replied, not taking his eyes away from the screen on the wall above the end of the main mess-room table. “My survival.””So… your religion dies with you. How sad,” Dorolow said, looking back from Horza to the screen. The Changer let the remark pass.”

“Nothing shall part us in our love till Thanatos (Death) at his appointed hour removed us from the light of day.”

“Cad é an mhaith dom eagla a bheith orm? Ní shaorfadh eagla duine ón mbás, dar ndóigh.”

“But now, as it is, sorrows, unending sorrows must surge within your heart as well—for your own son’s death. Never again will you embrace him stiding home. My spirit rebels—I’ve lost the will to live, to take my stand in the world of men—”

“Fife… simply walked off by himself, into the jungle to look at all the things which would continue to exist after he had ceased to. There were a lot of them. Fife looked at them all. They remained singularly unchanged by his scrutiny.”