“No one can erase or steal those sweetest memories of love.”

“Wise people take revenge by succeeding with love. A fool takes revenge with resentment and hate.”

“Only with an imagination can you see the magnificent beauty of the distant future and eternity.”

“Remember that when you forgive, you empty yourself so that you may receive.”

“Flowers have a language that everyone can understand—the language of beauty and love.”

“Only when your inner voice sings with love will your outer world dance with joy.”

“When you are self-centered, you find pleasure through hedonistic behaviors. When you are spiritual and soul searching, you find happiness through altruism.”

“True love is longing to belong as if love is all there is in life.”

“Accept life with profound gratitude, as it is. Don’t complain or criticize; enjoy life as it comes to you. Enjoy its ups and downs, successes and failures, tragedies and triumphs. Never forget to learn from lessons so that you gain wisdom. Most of all, never forget to create memories.”

“In our lives, the true assets are not money but memories. Always remember to touch every one you meet with appropriate love, kindness, and compassion. Let go of the past and forgive the past with true love. Incorporate the wisdom that you learn into your future.”

“Listen to your own inner voice not the voices from television of the internet.”

“You may take yourself away from me, but I am so much in love with you that you will never be able to take that away from me.”

“When life is so filled with actions, there is no time for living.”