“What is the point in dreaming if you aren’t willing to put your faith into it?”

“Take a leap of faith on your dreams, not for me and not for the society, just for yourself.”

“In spite of life’s unpredictable, callous ways, I still believe in fairy tales.”

“Most people give up on what they want. They’ll come across the first little obstacle and they’ll give up, and then they’ll try to tear down the people they see doing what they felt like they couldn’t.”

“Everyone has known what it’s like to see their dreams crumble. But these women…have found something more stable to hang onto. They’re not content and fulfilled because circumstances turned out the way they hoped, but because of their faith in a God who is above circumstance.”

“If you don’t fight for your dreams, you won’t earn anything. If you don’t anything, you will beg for everything.”

“There is no excuse to give for being a beggar. We all have imaginations to work out our dreams. Work yours out.”

“If you fail, you will be sad. But if you quit, you will be mad. Don’t give up on your dreams. Get up. You can do it!”

“Don’t beg for attention; pay attention to your dreams and others will pay attention to you.”

“On the winding roads in the journey to your dreams, Intuition needs faith to follow. Sensing the invisible and believing in it while it’s yet unprovable.”

“People who tell you to stop living in a fairytale world are very likely people who live in a horror movie.”

“Explaining or defending your dreams to people who don’t understand them will actually take away time to making them come true!”

“People are fighting so hard for attention and recognition, rather than fighting for their goals and dreams. They get attention they ask for, but their dreams are not known nor lived.”

“I’ve been worried since I left the wombLike a schizophrenic on shroomsLike a hypochondriac on crackNever shy with the panic attacks;Internal reality succumbs to psychosisDreams destroyed by self-diagnosis.”