“The Tuesday Seamstress saidour souls were sewn apart.Delicate embroidered tomorrowstravelled without a start.”

“I wondered where those roads, in which the world diverged,became the promises of another life, the hilly embankment that touched the horizon intranquil virescent spikes, splattered with hazel lines, that conquered truth and candour.”

“Forgive people when they laugh at your dreams, I assure you, In a matter of time, they soon will start dreaming”

“You don’t get time.You create time.”

“Of all the things a man may do, sleep probably contributes most to keeping him sane. It puts brackets about each day. If you do something foolish or painful today, you get irritated if somebody mentions it, today. If it happened yesterday, though, you can nod or chuckle, as the case may be. You’ve crossed through nothingness or dream to another island in Time.”

“Time spent for temporary happiness like movie or outing or weekend on a beach is all synthetic; with shelf life of a day or two. Work for your bigger dreams that should last for whole life. Then movie and beach would seem more interesting, realising that you have done something.”

“A man must dream a long time in order to act with grandeur, and dreaming is nursed in darkness.”

“Vaguely conscious of that great suspense in which we live, we find our escape from its sterile, annihilating reality in many dreams, in religion, passion, art.”

“A bad dream can ruin your night, but a dream not chased can ruin your life.”

“Throwing yourself into the purse of a dream is the biggest adventure you can take on.”

“Your dreams should not remain only dreams!”

“That’s one hell of a beautiful dream, Z. I hope I’m around to see it realized.”

“You may compare yourself to others, and feel insecure about your own worthiness.Don’t be too hard on ‘others’ that you perceive to have ‘made it’ before you.There is no ‘other’ – we are all human and all have our own set of struggles, even when we ‘make it’, nothing is ever perfect and the illusion of the internet can be a mirage.”

“Stop drowning your dreams by jumping into waters that you are unable to swim in.”

“If I woke up one morning and realized that all I ever was going to be was a business man, I’d probably die. All my dreams would be shattered. Early in life I had many dreams. I dreamed of being a great basketball star. I dreamed of being a preacher. I dreamed of saving the world from war and racism. And I dreamed of being a great poet. Today, I dream only of writing.”