“When your car needs gas, you go to a gas station and get back on the road. You don’t stay at the gas station for the rest of your life. Learn to rest and never to quit. Remember this while you journey through life.”

“After some point, working harder makes achieving the goal harder or even impossible.”

“Of all the things a man may do, sleep probably contributes most to keeping him sane. It puts brackets about each day. If you do something foolish or painful today, you get irritated if somebody mentions it, today. If it happened yesterday, though, you can nod or chuckle, as the case may be. You’ve crossed through nothingness or dream to another island in Time.”

“To repent is to find rest in the LORD God.”

“We long for blessed rest that reaches into our marrow and beyond. More than physical, mental, and emotional; complete and utter rest for our battered, frazzled, hopelessly forgetful souls.”

“I am a success because I do my best before I rest.”

“Our circumstances might be abject, we might not think we can survive for one more day enslaved to illness, but God says, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”

“Every time we turn to Christ in faith it is like a moment of Sabbath, a little foretaste of eternal rest and glory. The gift of that moment lies not in what we do but what we receive. It is the holy time set aside to receive the greatest gift of God ever has to give, which is himself, in his own beloved Son.”

“The world is too brutal for me—I am glad there is such a thing as the grave—I am sure I shall never have any rest till I get there.”

“The Day is DoneThe day is done, and the darknessFalls from the wings of Night,As a feather is wafted downwardFrom an eagle in his flight.I see the lights of the villageGleam through the rain and the mist,And a feeling of sadness comes o’er meThat my soul cannot resist:A feeling of sadness and longing,That is not akin to pain,And resembles sorrow onlyAs the mist resembles the rain.Come, read to me some poem,Some simple and heartfelt lay,That shall soothe this restless feeling,And banish the thoughts of day.Not from the grand old masters,Not from the bards sublime,Whose distant footsteps echoThrough the corridors of Time.For, like strains of martial music,Their mighty thoughts suggestLife’s endless toil and endeavor;And to-night I long for rest.Read from some humbler poet,Whose songs gushed from his heart,As showers from the clouds of summer,Or tears from the eyelids start;Who, through long days of labor,And nights devoid of ease,Still heard in his soul the musicOf wonderful melodies.Such songs have power to quietThe restless pulse of care,And come like the benedictionThat follows after prayer.Then read from the treasured volumeThe poem of thy choice,And lend to the rhyme of the poetThe beauty of thy voice.And the night shall be filled with music,And the cares, that infest the day,Shall fold their tents, like the Arabs,And as silently steal away.”

“SilenceIt has a sound, a fullness.It’s heavy with sigh of tree,and space between breaths.It’s ripe with pause between birdsongand crash of surf. It’s golden they say.But no one tells us it’s addictive.”

“Do not fear ARREST. Why? Because, there is REST at the end of each AR”REST”; either in jail or in the grave. The wisest and the greatest of men are aware of this.”

“Always keep a part of your mind empty, so you can go there to rest.”

“As night falls, let the day’s troubles slip away into the darkness and rest well knowing tomorrow brings a new day, a new chance to do things better, a new opportunity to make things right. And when the new day dawns, awaken a little wiser, a little older, a little more prepared for the future. That’s simply the pattern of life, my friends, a tapestry of light threaded with darkness, laughter threaded with tears, hope threaded with despair, wisdom threaded with failure, insight threaded with regret. It’s just how we learn and grow as humans, and that’s okay. It’s enough to end each day knowing we’ve done our best and we’ll do our best again tomorrow.”