All Quotes By Tag: Faith
“God often acts contrary to how we think a good God should act. The answer we think we need seems so logical and clear to our way of thinking, yet God does not provide it. That is where faith comes in. Real faith isn’t the belief that God will do a particular thing; real faith is the conviction that God is good, no matter what he does and however he chooses to answer our prayers.”
“Rather than take God at his word, they just looked at the difficulties. Rather than doubt their own viewpoint, they doubted God’s.”
“I call them (international school clerics) international humanists. The survival of the world is dependent on such decent people. In Turkey, it was with faith that we helped stop the spread of communism. In Afghanistan, it was the believers who stopped the Soviets. Anyway, supporting those schools is good for business.”
“How dare you question if I fast?Or come between my God and me?How claim no lust for what’s forbidden,Then veils wrap round the face that’s free?My vice is wine or rakı. I drink!So what? It does no harm to you.We’ll face the hair-thin bride together;Blind drunk, I’ll pass, if I be true.”
“I almost stopped believing in God.””What?” Rose stared at her. “You can’t stop believing in god. You not believing in god would be like – like Taylor Swift not believing in break-up songs.”
“По очите на момчето личеше, че не ми врява, но че много би искало това да е вярно… В очите на възрастните такива работи не могат да се видят.”
“The relationship among faith, knowledge, and belief is suggested by a story involving the famous depth psychologist Carl Jung. In the last year of his life, he was interviewed for a BBC television documentary. The interviewer asked him, “Dr. Jung, do you believe in God?” Jung said, “Believe? I do not believe in God – I know.” The point: the more one knows God, the less faith as belief is involved. But faith as belief still has a role: it can provide a basis for responding even when one does not know for sure, and it can also get one through periods of time in which firsthand experiences of God are lacking.”
“Be patient. Everything is about to come together.”
“Pay attention to the signs, sometimes it is what it looks like.”
“His faith wavered, but not his speech: it is the lot of every man who has to speak for the satisfaction of the crowd, that he must often speak in virtue of yesterday’s faith, hoping it will come back to-morrow.”
“You can believe the Bible or you can believe evolution,” a favorite professor told the student body in chapel one morning, “but you can’t believe both. You have to choose.”That recurring choice- between faith and science, Christianity and feminism, the Bible and historical criticism, doctrine and compassion- kept tripping me up like roots on a forest trail. I wanted to believe, of course, but I wanted to believe with my intellectual integrity and intuition intact, with both my head and my heart fully engaged. The more I was asked to choose, the more fragmented and frayed my faith became, the more it stretched the gossamer of belief that held my world view together. And that’s when the real doubt crept in, like an invasive species, like kudzu trellising the brain: What if none of this is true? What if it’s all one big lie?”
“I’ve have grown a night-blooming cereus on my fire escape,” she added almost shyly.He said quietly, “This is important. Why?”She hesitated. “Because lately I’ve had the feeling we rush toward something-some kind of Armageddon-set into motion long ago. There are so many people in the world, and so much destructiveness. I was astonished when I first heard that a night-blooming cereus blooms only once a year, and always at midnight. It implies such intelligence somewhere.”
“Faith is not so much belief about God as it is total, personal trust in God, rising to a personal fellowship with God that is stronger than anxiety and guilt, loneliness and all manner of disaster. The Christian’s faith in Christ is trust in a Living Person, once crucified, dead, and buried, and now living forevermore. Call it, if you will, an assumption that ends as an assurance, or an experiment that ends as an experience, Christian faith is in fact a commitment that ends as a communion.”
“Lavonas atrodydavo kaip tuščias vabzdžio kiautas voratinklyje – esybė būdavo išnykusi, šviesa išnykusi, nelikę to iliuzinio švytėjimo, kurį skleidžia kadai užgesusios žvaigždės. Kūnas būdavo netekęs sielos. Ir būtent sielos nebuvimas įkvėpė Harį tikėti.”
“We too must work. Nothing happens in this world until there is work. You never plow a field by turning it over in your mind. You have to put your hands to the handles of the plow and walk forward. It is easier now, but the principle is the same. There must be work, and what a great and wonderful blessing that is.”