“Anyone claiming certainty about life, truth, creation, or purpose of the Universe, is either ignorant or unfit to comprehend the implications of the presented dilemmas.”

“I’m telling you, if you listen carefully, the rocks are still crying out.”

“If death is inevitable, who’s to say that there aren’t other things that are inevitable as well? A cross and an empty tomb say ‘yes’ and ‘yes’.”

“The most difficult thing is not the belief in the infinite. No. The most difficult thing of all is to believe that the infinite would be so grand and gracious as to reside in the smallness of us. That is what requires the greatest faith.”

“If I’m not willing to accept a God who does the impossible, I’m left with what’s possible. And that takes me no further than myself.”

“It is my passion to rise to great heights, but instead I dig holes where I plummet to great depths. And when will I learn that God trades shovels for wings?”

“A true scientist is aware that ultimately we cannot be absolutely sure about anything.”

“My fear has brazenly taken pen in hand and redefined a horizon as the termination of everything instead of the beginning of many things. And the first thing I need to do is get my pen back.”

“Faith is not whittling God down to a size that I can comprehend. Rather, it’s whittling my need to control down to a size that God can intersect.”

“As I wander through the dark, encountering difficulties, I am aware of encouraging voices that murmur from the spirit realm. I sense a holy passion pouring down from the springs of Infinity. I thrill to music that beats with the pulses of God. Bound to suns and planets by invisible cords, I feel the flame of eternity in my soul.”

“God gives us faith to move mountains but in order to make it in the valley we have to use our legs!”

“Varya has had enough therapy to know that she’s telling herself stories. She knows her faith–that rituals have power, that thoughts can change outcomes or ward off misfortune–is a magic trick: fiction, perhaps, but necessary for survival. And yet, and yet: Is it a story if you believe it?”

“Easter recognizes that I am living in a prison of my own making, and that God is in the demolition business.”

“По очите на момчето личеше, че не ми врява, но че много би искало това да е вярно… В очите на възрастните такива работи не могат да се видят.”

“I tried to cut through all our hurried centuries, lost in a forest within.Men broke by war emerged in frightful shape—more than human but also less, they were quite aware,the sovereign dead, that time is like a window opening up the sad patterns of never.As one they advanced— Lloyd George Georges ClemenceauAdolph Hitler —through history. But the past does not followso straightforward a path said I (predictably in Italian),and, burning under their masters, they proclaimedthe world a pendulum. It is possible, but this gives riseto the often-heard complaint that repetition is unavoidable. Still time issues into today,little fathers. The years, I believe, can be shaped with one’s hands.The world —its obscure moving fields, Persian tragedies,and countries in peace— I had to inform that council of the lost,remains an instrument, a valve instrument, which, when waning,is perfectly clear in the pit —and, being given to such classical conceptsas freedom and necessity, laboriously continued in the traditional way—I believe I believe.”