“All events and people you have cherished in the past, and all events and people that are yet to happen to you, exist at all times. This for sure beats the traditional concept of heaven!”

“An aware atheist understands that disbelieving God does not equal knowing that God does not exist”

“An aware theist understands that believing in God does not equal the fact of knowing that God exists.”

“A true scientist is aware that ultimately we cannot be absolutely sure about anything.”

“An educated person is she or he who knows where or how to acquire knowledge.”

“Emotional intelligence is knowledge of the “Self,” understanding who we are, and employing this knowledge to exercise self-control in our relationships with other beings and the world. Only by knowing ourselves can we responsibly and efficiently manage our senses, thoughts, words and actions, and behave in a benevolent manner toward other beings and the world.”

“All happiness happens in the Now. Therefore, how we interpret every passing moment is one of the most crucial choices we make.”

“Above all, the path of happiness embodies two qualities: success and gratitude. Success in the simple sense of striving for something and achieving it, and gratitude for being thankful for that which we have achieved. In simple words, happiness comes from our ongoing success in, and gratefulness for, being who we truly are.”

“Alert presence is the garden of personal growth.”

“As long as we are looking for love, we will live in fear of losing it.”

“An expensive car is material in nature, but driving it does not necessarily make us materialist, just as sitting in a church does not make us spiritual.”

“All growth is essentially an expansion of awareness.”

“Somehow, we’ll find it. The balance between whom we wish to be and whom we need to be. But for now, we simply have to be satisfied with who we are.”