“Lavonas atrodydavo kaip tuščias vabzdžio kiautas voratinklyje – esybė būdavo išnykusi, šviesa išnykusi, nelikę to iliuzinio švytėjimo, kurį skleidžia kadai užgesusios žvaigždės. Kūnas būdavo netekęs sielos. Ir būtent sielos nebuvimas įkvėpė Harį tikėti.”

“I project my limits on God when faith would say that I should be projecting His limitlessness on me.”

“Oh, if I had a penny for every time I’ve been informed by a evangelical male that I have trouble with submission, I could plate the moon in copper.”

“Resurrection” does not mean resumption of previous existence but entry into a different kind of existence.”

“… rather than God being “out there” in the heights, God is known in the depths of personal experience.”

“We speak openly with one another about the bereavement that can accompany a layoff, a move, a diagnosis, or a dream deferred. But no one really teaches you how to grieve the loss of your faith. You’re on your own for that.”

“Brilliance without prayer is like a car with four flat tires. It might be a truly fine vehicle, but it isn’t going anywhere.”

“What a joy it is to hear your Saviors voiceSpeak gently to you saying“I am with you, I am with you”What a relief it is to know that your SaviorStill stands by you through the thick and thinsWith absolute faith I respond,Lord I believe, Lord I believe!Without doubt I sayLord Jesus Christ I believe!Never seen tomorrow, but still marching into itNever seen Heaven, but still hoping for itNever seen Jesus Christ, but still trusting in HimIn dreams He speaks to me saying, “I am with you, I am with you”With absolute faith I respond,Lord I believe, Lord I believe!Without doubt I sayLord Jesus Christ I believe!Wanting to see You; waiting to be with YouAfter I have come to my journeys endGuide my to live everyday for and with YouTaking each step with you until I get to the endSay to me always, “I am with you” With absolute faith I shall respond,Lord I believe, Lord I believe!Without doubt I shall sayLord Jesus Christ I believe!”

“One must die to an old way of being in order to enter a new way of being… salvation is resurrection to a new way of being here and now.”

“I have plenty of faith, but more often than not it’s faith in the belief that faith doesn’t work.”

“Sunday mornings, on the other hand, weren’t going so well. On Sunday mornings, my doubt came to church like a third member of the family, toddling along behind me with clenched fists and disheveled hair, throwing wild tantrums after every offhanded political joke or casual reference to hell. During the week I could pacify my doubt with book or work or reality TV, but on Sunday mornings, in the brand-new, contemporary-styled sanctuary of Grace Bible Church, doubt pulled up a chair and issued a running commentary.”

“I’m not alone, I will never be alone. God is with me,”

“Don’t ever let someone else’s lack of ambition or vision define you.”

“Inside the scrawny adolescent was a soul that defied extinction.”

“…her entire being suspended between newborn faith and ancient hopelessness.”