“If you haven’t seen, touched, or felt him, how do you know he is real?”

“Failure is the only damn way we learn. Have you failed? Yes. Will you fail more? All the time. And that’s the best thing that can ever happen to you. When you stop failing, you stop learning. And then you’re of no use to anyone.”

“I am made for more than a vicious cycle of eating, gaining, stressing…”

“Sometimes you just have to have faith. Sometimes you have to leap first to see if your parachute will open.”

“For daily I expect to be murdered or betrayed or reduced to slavery if the occasion arises. But I fear nothing, because of the promises of Heaven; for I have cast myself into the hands of Almighty God, who reigns everywhere. As the prophet says: ‘Cast your burden on the Lord and he will sustain you.”

“It’s never easy to wait, especially when we’re longing for something with all our heart. If we look around and see no sign of god acting to resolve a situation, we may be tempted to come up with our own ideas to hurry the solution along. Our impatience may lead us to make choices that don’t line up with God’s will. We can find ourselves regretting the long-range consequences of an idea that seemed convenient and logical at the time.God asks us to prove our trust in him by surrendering to his plan and waiting for him to work in ways that he considers best. We may find it hard to wait patiently when nothing seems to be happening, but taking matters into our own hands apart from God’s leading is always a terrible mistake.”

“dream big, love large and live humbly”

“Souls rockin’ pieces around necks, wrists and ankles they only believe in part time and some time. Loud and proud with no get-down.”

“You can believe all the right things and still be in bondage. You can believe all the right things and still be miserable. You can believe all the right things and still be relatively unchanged. Believing a set of claims to be true has very little transforming power.”

“I don’t know whether it was a divine stupidity or a great faith that let them do it.”

“What I tell you in the dark, say in the light, and what you hear whispered, proclaim on the housetops.Matt.10:27”

“Because what is love if not an exercise in faith.Because what is love if not perseverance.Because what is love if not forgiveness.”

“Only people who believe deeply and almost fanatically in a dream can struggle so hard with inner doubt and conflict, and without losing, in the presence of frequent disagreement on particulars, a deep sense of purpose and mutual respect.”

“[Martin Luther’s] understanding of grace-based faith versus works-based faith was more than a personal revelation; it informed his entire rebellion against the church. After all, if human beings couldn’t possibly earn salvation by their good works, if human beings had no righteousness of their own and were entirely dependent on Christ for their salvation and hope, where, then, did that leave good works like pilgrimages and fasting? Where did that leave the notion of purgatory? Where did that leave the monastic vows of poverty, obedience, and chastity? Where did that leave the pope, with his sales of indulgences, and the priests, doling out penance in the confessionals? Luther came to believe that the church to which he had dedicated his life was built on sand, and each abuse, each indulgence, added an unsustainable weight to the structure. In his eyes, Romans 1:17 obliterated the very foundation of the Roman Catholic Church.”

“That’s what I believe, God exists. God is there. But God doesn’t decide what happens here on earth; we do. God gave us free will and we have to use it.”~Zvi”