All Quotes By Tag: Faith
“Oh, I’m a great believer in IDIC, Commander: Infinite diversity in infinite combination. The beauty of it is that nobody’s wrong. Logic, Battle. They’re all facets of the same thing. As if the true reality of the universe, whatever final answers there are to be discovered—if they can be discovered—is like a hyperdimensional string. Look at it one way it’s an electron. Another way and it’s a proton. Yet another one you can see a veteran. But it’s all the same thing, just different ways of looking is all.”
“I have decided the two options for me are (1) to torment myself or (2) to trust the Lord. There is no earthly solution to the problems that confront me. But I can add to my problems, as I have believe I have done, by dwelling on them.”
“Primitive man, living in communities of restricted extent, providing for his needs by his own production or by direct co-operation, limiting his spiritual interests to personal experience or to simple tradition, surveys and controls the material of his existence more easily and completely than the man of higher culture. In the latter case life rests upon a thousand presuppositions which the individual can never trace back to their origins, and verify; but which he must accept upon faith and belief. In a much wider degree than people are accustomed to realize, modern civilized life—from the economic system which is constantly becoming more and more a credit-economy, to the pursuit of science, in which the majority of investigators must use countless results obtained by others, and not directly subject to verification—depends upon faith in the honor of others. We rest our most serious decisions upon a complicated system of conceptions, the majority of which presuppose confidence that we have not been deceived. Hence prevarication in modern circumstances becomes something much more devastating, something placing the foundations of life much more in jeopardy, than was earlier the case.”
“Give your heart permission to let go of the need for certainty and leave space for the unknown.”
“Faith is the beginning, love is the end, union of two is God”
“At the end of today’s service, you’ll have a chance to vote on whether I should remain as your pastor. Many of you are upset with me because I’ve chosen to defend a man of another faith who I believe is innocent. Many of you have already decided that he is guilty. But even if you want to assume that this man is guilty, does that mean I shouldn’t represent him? Did Christ make you prove your innocence before he died for your sins?”
“People easily understand that ‘primitives’ cement their social order by believing in ghosts and spirits, and gathering each full moon to dance together around the campfire. What we fail to appreciate is that our modern institutions function on exactly the same basis. Take for example the world of business corporations, Modern business-people and lawyers are, in fact, powerful sorcerers. The principal difference between them and tribal shamans is that modern lawyers tell far stranger tales.”
“Sometimes the way God chooses to lead us is through our own disquieted Spirit. pg. 241”
“Your ideology is the only thing that will be alive even after your death. You will be remembered for it. Your divine faith is your ideology. And don’t change it for anybody, never ever do it forcefully. You can redesign it when you, yourself, find a flaw or a necessity to bring a change. Then do that happily.”
“If we have faith that some higher powers, some enlightened beings, are helping us to develop spiritually, then you begin to relate to life completely differently. And I suppose life starts to become a little more magical. Every opportunity must be seen as a chance to learn. We have to be open to whatever happens, good or bad. Because anything that happens is a chance to increase our wisdom, and to walk further down the path to enlightenment. So if you miss the bus, that’s an opportunity to learn. If you become ill, that’s an opportunity to learn something new, like compassion maybe. – 319”
“I was unable to deny my love for Jesus, but equally unable to make my love toward women disappear.”
“Strength of conviction for ones faith is celebrated by the church- except when that conviction runs contrary to the status quo.”
“For mig handler livet om at fastholde troen på sig selv som menneske, så ondskaben ikke får lov til at æde af én mere.”
“You must be a myth that your lover can’t graspand you must chase the moon like a wolf in the night, as if it will show you something only you can understand. Everything you do is a ritual that can mean something more and you must connect and create bonds with the spirits both outer and inner. Seek the strange and mysterious, otherworldly explanations for yourself and things around. There is always more. Always more.Nothing is ordinary,and you must make love to him like his touch is your salvation.You must dare to love and lose and hear your heart break into a million little pieces, glittering like diamonds in the night.Don’t run into hiding when the rain hits us like planets shot down to see who wants to survivethe mostfor you want to survive the mostand you must not hide from madness.You must love and live and write like you’re obsessed and possessed. Go mad for what you believe in.”
“In truth, Thomas was being a faithful disciple of Jesus, who warned His disciples that “many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Messiah!’ and they will lead many astray” (Matt. 24:5). Indeed, Jesus affirms those who believe without seeing because such belief takes great faith. But that in no way suggests we should ignore evidence when it is available, as though doing so makes us more faithful. This impulse, combined with an often uncritical biblicism, not only neglects God’s command to love him with our minds, but leads us into unnecessary divisiveness and shallow literalism that blinds us to the deeper truth of Scripture. Therefore, during this process of self-emptying, we must be aware of and honest with our uncertainties. While we should never throw around our doubt with rebellious defiance, neither should we view our genuine questions and uncertainties as liabilities. Sometimes allowing ourselves to question deeply held beliefs opens us up to discovering that we were, in fact, in error, offering us the opportunity for more faithful understanding. Other times we discover that our fears are unfounded, returning to our former beliefs without doubt, yet stronger for it.”