“Only people who believe deeply and almost fanatically in a dream can struggle so hard with inner doubt and conflict, and without losing, in the presence of frequent disagreement on particulars, a deep sense of purpose and mutual respect.”

“[Martin Luther’s] understanding of grace-based faith versus works-based faith was more than a personal revelation; it informed his entire rebellion against the church. After all, if human beings couldn’t possibly earn salvation by their good works, if human beings had no righteousness of their own and were entirely dependent on Christ for their salvation and hope, where, then, did that leave good works like pilgrimages and fasting? Where did that leave the notion of purgatory? Where did that leave the monastic vows of poverty, obedience, and chastity? Where did that leave the pope, with his sales of indulgences, and the priests, doling out penance in the confessionals? Luther came to believe that the church to which he had dedicated his life was built on sand, and each abuse, each indulgence, added an unsustainable weight to the structure. In his eyes, Romans 1:17 obliterated the very foundation of the Roman Catholic Church.”

“Knowing the truth is never about faith. It is about remembering, accepting, and, most importantly, it is about living. If we live as if we know there is more, then there will be more.”

“Faith can move mountains. So why are you stumbling on a little rock?”

“Most religions represent artless attempts at philosophy and science, embracing superstitions: ancient guesswork and myths bonded together by the crazy glue of faith.”

“You are more than a survivor. You have been transformed.”

“Usipoamini utashindwa.”

“I had just vividly demonstrated to myself what a tremendous force faith is, and how easy it is to awaken. You just need to know a little bit more than the ones who are supposed to believe. Then it’s easy to work miracles.”

“Sometimes it’s easier to give compassion to those whose troubles fell upon them undeserved. But those who’ve, from our perspective, tangled themselves up all on their own—they need compassion every bit as much.” You who are without sin, cast the first stone… No one did. Because you can’t grasp a stone while keeping a grip on grace. One or the other must stay on the ground.”

“The Fall of Rome, the biggest and greatest of all Empires, was due to the Faith of people the Romans deemed weak and inconsequential. The more they tried to squash them, the stronger their faith grew until Rome, with all its might and cruelty, became the very weak and inconsequential people they looked down upon.”

“Your problem with religion is virtually every faithless person’s problem with religion: that it offers irreducible answers. But some questions in the end simply aren’t empirically verifiable…All religion really does is to be honest about this, by giving the reliance a specific name: faith.”

“When your child feels fully loved by you, then they will feel fully loved by God. That is how you keep them connected to their faith.”

“If you persist in continually chipping away at your bad theology, eventually the lies will crumble, and you will uncover nuggets of truth that will set you free.”

“I couldn’t earn my way into heaven any more than I could earn my way out of being gay.”

“I never dreamed that one day I would be married to a woman, and that my dad’s position at Focus would divide me from my family, rather than keep us focused on it, but that’s what happened.”