“To seek the sacred ways is to search the holy words.”

“Thy faith shall be thy solid foundation.”

“Faith is divine.”

“It is better to hope than be un-happy.”

“Our circumstances might be abject, we might not think we can survive for one more day enslaved to illness, but God says, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”

“It is better to heal than harm.”

“To know His ways is to desire His word.”

“It is better to trust the Divine Eternal God than to put confidence in mere mortal man.”

“To be is to become.”

“Whoever hungers for living Bread, shall be filled.”

“If you believe, you shall behold.”

“To behold, you must first believe.”

“The gift of life is the greatest treasure.”

“The most powerful power, you can possess is grace of prayer.”

“Grace is the gift of goodness.”