“What we ought be, we can be.”

“When your experience, qualifications, and skills fail you. Let your hope, prayer, and faith carry you through.”

“Lifeless life is the very thing Jesus came to rescue us from.”

“It is not the absence of hope. Rather, it is the absence of our faith in hope.”

“To pray is a possible act.”

“The only possible thing, you can do is to pray.”

“Pursuit of a dream is a daring adventure.”

“Whoever has hope, shall be happy.”

“God is our hope on the day of doom.”

“Physical pain delivers a man from the sin of the fleshy soul.”

“The destiny of every man is death.”

“We love God because He first loved us.”

“The only power there is, is the power to pray.”

“Faith is the force that moves us in the forward motion.”

“The heavenly father knows the future.”