“Hope, thin as a thread, sharp as a fishing line, cut into David’s heart.” p. 79”

“With God, brokenness is nothing more than the stage upon which the impossible is about to happen.”

“I might not believe in the possibilities, but that in no way diminishes the realities of the opportunities.”

“From history books one should at best believe the punctuation. The rest is uncertain, incomplete, distorted, exaggerated or even completely invented.”

“Many “suddenly” miracles are made of quiet moments of faithfulness.”

“The true faith of saints of old in God were put to real test, not just with absolute abundance, comfort and divine provisions, but more importantly, by unthinkable challenges!”

“You shall always have faith until you meet what will strongly question your faith! The true faith of saints of old in God was put to real test, not just with absolute abundance, comfort and divine provisions, but more importantly, by unthinkable challenges! Always have faith, and always live your faith!”

“Suddenly’ miracles are made of quiet moments of faithfulness.”

“Some people fear to consecrate themselves to God for the same reason they fear to write a blank check.”

“He who does not believe and yet follows the ritualsteaches his children to be hypocrits(From: Kinderpraat)”

“But wild beasts of the desert shall lie there; and their houses shall be full of doleful creatures; and owls shall dwell there, and satyrs shall dance there.Isaiah 13:21”

“Faith will always save you. It’s a question, really, and you think the answer could make a good sermon. When won’t faith save you?When you believe too much in this world. In yourself. In anything but God.”

“Believe that everything will be okay. Everything will be okay; just believe.”

“Leap of Faith: That’s the leap of faith part. Being willing to go, to say Yes, even when you haven’t the faintest idea of what will follow.”

“To create a beginning is to fashion an ending. And to experience an ending is to create space for a beginning. And in this choreographed cycle I can always have confidence that any wall is a door waiting to happen.”