“Never let fear control you, let faith take control.”

“The statement, ‘this is as far as I can go’ is code for ‘I’m blind’, I’m scared’, or both.”

“My fear has brazenly taken pen in hand and redefined a horizon as the termination of everything instead of the beginning of many things. And the first thing I need to do is get my pen back.”

“Don’t be afraid. Just believe.”

“…President Thomas S. Monson said: “Of course we will face fear, experience ridicule, and meet opposition. Let us have the courage to defy the consensus, the courage to stand for principle. Courage, not compromise, brings the smile of God’s approval. … Remember that all men have their fears, but those who face their fears with [faith] have courage as well.” President Monson’s counsel is timeless! So I plead with you, my dear brothers and sisters: Day after day, on your path toward your eternal destiny, increase your faith. Proclaim your faith! Let your faith show!”

“I remember because I cannot forget”

“[A] beautiful young mother of five had full faith in her Heavenly Father, in His plan, and in the eternal welfare of her family. She was securely tied back to God. She was totally faithful to covenants made with the Lord and with her husband. She loved her children but was at peace, despite her impending separation from them. She had faith in her future, and theirs too, because she had faith in our Heavenly Father and His Son.”

“It comes down to ‘fear’ and ‘faith’. ‘Fear’ of what stands in front of me. ‘Faith’ in believing that the resources I possess can handle what stands in front of me. If I stop at the former, I will change nothing. If I embrace the latter, I can change everything.”

“Fear is a false perception of uncertainty and the unknown. The antidote for fear is not courage; it is knowledge and experience.”

“When you are shivering with fear in the darkest moment of your life, practice smiling. A light will appear out of nowhere and darkness will melt away.”

“There are things that will happen to you and there is nothing you can do about this. Isn’t it exciting beyond belief?”

“Not a single bird makes its first leap from a tree without faith, and not a single animal in the jungle begins its day without faith. Faith is the flame that eliminates fear, and faith is the conqueror of dreams.”

“Fear is a learned reaction that we can unlearn with practice and with changing our perceptions. When we don’t know how to swim, we fear jumping in a deep pond. If we know how to swim, we enjoy the jump.”

“Y todavía los que no murieron bajo las chozas ni se rajaron los huesos bajo los árboles ni se desangraron bajo las cuevas, ciegos de miedo y de ira acabaron despedazándose entre sí. Los pocos que no sufrieron quebranto, como recuerdo de la simpleza de sus corazones, se transformaron en monos.”

“How do I learn to speakwhen silence is all I know?”