“Surrender is Serenity & a Bridge to Bliss.”

“For once,engulf,not air,but hope.For once,breathe on,a firm belief!”

“There is a very thin line of difference between a Pessimist and a Perfectionist. Both are scared to fail, strive for ideal but the only think unlike in the two is- Pessimist thinks it will last forever and Perfectionist knows it won’t.”

“Faith is holy fear of God.”

“The fear of God is an insane idea. God is love and “there is no fear in love, because perfect love casts out all fear.”

“The fear of a man is a snare. But the fear of God is a safe haven.”

“Neither faint nor fear.”

“So, the darkness hid the little girl in herself,to protect her from the wolves with the human mask on their faces.”

“Courage is simply fear that trusts in God”

“Fear makes the wolf bigger than he is.”

“To hide is our insecurities telling God that what we fear is bigger than Who He is. And in this case, maybe we should shoot the messenger.”