All Quotes By Tag: God
“In death, when our physicality is stripped away and our essence released to join the eternal song of creation, there is no sin or offense, no judgment or worry.”
“God’s palette of shifting hues is vast, subtle, and beyond our comprehension. We humans are like those colors. Subtle, shifting, unique. Non-binary. Unable to be labeled or singled out. Beautiful and one-of-a-kind, and seen by God’s eyes alone.”
“If God has called you to something, the most ignorant question you can ask is “Do I have the ability to do this?” Conversely, the wisest question you can ask is, “When can we get started?”
“I don’t have all the answers. More than that, I don’t even know half the questions. But I can rest in the fact that God has both.”
“Have you heard the songs they sing here in Kilanga?” he asked. “They’re very worshipful. It’s a grand way to begin a church service, singing a Congolese hymn to the rainfall on the seed yams. It’s quite easy to move from there to the parable of the mustard seed. Many parts of the Bible make good sense here, if only you change a few words.” He laughed. “And a lot of whole chapters, sure, you just have to throw away.”“Well, it’s every bit God’s word, isn’t it?” Leah said.“God’s word, brought to you by a crew of romantic idealists in a harsh desert culture eons ago, followed by a chain of translators two thousand years long.”Leah stared at him.“Darling, did you think God wrote it all down in the English of King James himself?”“No, I guess not.”“Think of all the duties that were perfectly obvious to Paul or Matthew in that old Arabian desert that are pure nonsense to us now. All that foot washing, for example. Was it really for God’s glory, or just to keep the sand out of the house?”Leah sat narrow-eyed in her chair, for once stumped for the correct answer.“Oh, and the camel. Was it a camel that could pass through the eye of a needle more easily than a rich man? Or a coarse piece of yarn? The Hebrew words are the same, but which one did they mean? If it’s a camel, the rich man might as well not even try. But if it’s the yarn, he might well succeed with a lot of effort, you see?” He leaned forward toward Leah with his hands on his knees. “Och, I shouldn’t be messing about with your thinking this way, with your father out in the garden. But I’ll tell you a secret. “When I want to take God at his word exactly, I take a peep out the window at His Creation. Because that, darling, He makes fresh for us every day, without a lot of dubious middle managers.”
“All of us, minus the part of us we wish to keep for ourselves, adds up to none of us. And that’s typically what we give God.”
“If it is not good for you, God will not give it to you. So don’t grumble, if you don’t get it.”
“Kuwa na kiasi katika matarajio yako. Hatuna uwezo wa kuona mambo kama Mungu anavyoyaona.”
“Wenye mamlaka wana dhamana za mamlaka zao kama watumishi wa Mungu, kwa sababu Neno la Mungu liko wazi kwamba Mungu ndiye aliyewapa mamlaka hayo.”
“Is there a wisdom in objects? Few objects praise the Lord.”
“Ook Gij.”
“To believe that this world, this universe with all its beauty and complexity is the result of a bunch of accidents is like believing that the Earth is flat or that the stars are just pinpricks in a celestial curtain behind which eternity shines.”
“And from this we learn that we are not to look to Heaven to solve the difficulties of our lives, that we are not to interpret signs and wonders to live our lives by them. We learn that there is value in making our own choices, even if God Himself communicates clearly that the choices we make are wrong. We learn that we may argue with God, that we may disobey His direct commandments and yet delight Him with our actions. We learn of God’s compassion for us – in the end, broader than we can understand.”
“If there is manifestation of God in full measure in the seventh plane, then there remains no outward activity. But if he is found to do anything else, it is to be understood that he is forced to do so by God’s commandment. And this work consists only in singing the glory of God as seen by him in his body in the process of transformation of life-power into the Supreme Bliss.”
“The thumb may look like an ordinary finger, truly it is a miraculous gift from God! If all the fingers were long and straight, it would be impossible for us to work, hold or catch anything easily! If there was no thumb, then human civilisation would lag way behind!”