All Quotes By Tag: God
“Worrying is not an act of God; it’s failing to act in the faith of His plan.”
“I have gone into the waste lonely placesBehind the eye; the lost acres at the edge of smoky cities.What’s beyond never crumbles like an embankment,Explodes like a rose, or thrusts wings over the Caribbean.There are no pursuing forms, faces on walls:Only the motes of dust in the immaculate hallways,The darkness of falling hair, the warning from lint and spiders,The vines graying to a fine powder.There is no riven tree, or lamb dropped by an eagle.There are still times, morning and evening:The cerulean, high in the elm,Thin and insistent as a cicada,And the far phoebe, singing,The long plaintive notes floating down,Drifting through leaves, oak and maple,Or the whippoorwill, along the smoky ridges,A single bird calling and calling:A fume reminds me, drifting across wet gravel;A cold wind comes over stones;A flame, intense, visible,Plays over the dry pods,Runs fitfully along the stubble,Moves over the field,Without burning.In such times, lacking a god,I am still happy.”
“To believe that this world, this universe with all its beauty and complexity is the result of a bunch of accidents is like believing that the Earth is flat or that the stars are just pinpricks in a celestial curtain behind which eternity shines.”
“And from this we learn that we are not to look to Heaven to solve the difficulties of our lives, that we are not to interpret signs and wonders to live our lives by them. We learn that there is value in making our own choices, even if God Himself communicates clearly that the choices we make are wrong. We learn that we may argue with God, that we may disobey His direct commandments and yet delight Him with our actions. We learn of God’s compassion for us – in the end, broader than we can understand.”
“If there is manifestation of God in full measure in the seventh plane, then there remains no outward activity. But if he is found to do anything else, it is to be understood that he is forced to do so by God’s commandment. And this work consists only in singing the glory of God as seen by him in his body in the process of transformation of life-power into the Supreme Bliss.”
“The thumb may look like an ordinary finger, truly it is a miraculous gift from God! If all the fingers were long and straight, it would be impossible for us to work, hold or catch anything easily! If there was no thumb, then human civilisation would lag way behind!”
“On Religion – I compare the god of the Christian bible to a psychotic, jealous girlfriend. Who else but a crazy girlfriend would demand that a man mutilate his penis as a sign that he loves her? Who else but a crazy boyfriend would do it?!”
“For Nietzsche, woman was God’s second mistake. But what then is the first? I don’t know, even if I believed in the God of Abraham and Abrahamic religions, it would be a bit diffucult for me to answer it. However, based on the religious scriptures, one can assume that God was a bit disappointed with his masterpiece — Adam, realised that life in Paradise seems a bit incomplete, uninteresting for him, he cannot find the meaning of his life, therefore God decided to correct his mistake by creating Eve to be Adam’s love. As a result, with the help of Eve, eating fruit from the forbidden tree in Paradise, both of them had to abandon there. However, God couldn’t do anything, because he had already made his second mistake — he created such a charming and deceitful being for Adam’s mind. Perhaps, this is just the creation myth of Abrahamic religions, nevertheless, I am convinced that the woman is a charming and deceitful being for male mind.”
“If God is going to be all that He is, I must reach a point where I am emptied of all that I am. It’s only then that the fullness of God has space in the emptiness of me.”
“God in His omnipotence says, ‘Here it is.’ And we in our ignorance say, ‘No it’s not!’ And in the end there it was, and where it is we are not.”
“What we build certainly might look like a refuge, but if it wasn’t designed by God it’s something more akin to a leaky tent in the middle of a category 5 hurricane on a Monday morning. Nothing about it is good.”
“For if the nature of the story is such that my mother left me with deficits and scars, I can know that the nature of God is such that He will leave me blessings and health.”
“The people don’t care about theology. They are passion and fear and anger and they need gods to fuel that passion, soothe that fear, stoke that anger.”
“It is at times like this that I have the sense… the slightest sense… of what a sacrifice it must have been for the Son of God to condescend to become the Son of Man.”
“Territories carry possibilities. Man carries strategy, wisdom and endorsement. Be sensitive to who walks into your life while you’re expecting an answer from God.”