All Quotes By Tag: God
“We need to take a good look at our children and see them through the eyes of God, their Creator. We must realize that these children are our gifts given by God. These children, TRULY belong to HIM.”
“God created man in His image— but Lafko did not know that, and after him no Kaweskar, no free Alcaluf, would ever know it, right down to the last of them who still had not learned it, down there on his lonely beach on Santa Ines Island. And yet, when he engraved his own likeness on the spearhead, Lafko was engraving God’s likeness, even though he was unable to decode the message, and still less the will that had inspired him. God had so willed it — while during these same uncertain times He had showered other peoples with words and with signs, He had made bushes burn, rained down manna, and thundered upon Mount Sinai wreathed in smoke and flames.”
“If there is a divine creator, some ultimate moral authority, then why do bad things happen to good people? And why would this deity create people at all, since people are such imperfect beings?”
“Today I Googled God. How happy He must be that I am searching for Him.”
“A Call for the Overthrow of the World Government, the Infidels. Attack them in their homes, markets, roads, and their forums. Kill them all: intensify your operations on Earth.Compton 6:66”
“That feeling stayed with me for months. In fact, I had grown so accustomed to that floating feeling that I started to panic at the prospect of losing it. So I began to ask friends, theologians, historians, pastors I knew, nuns I liked, *What am I going to do when it’s gone?* And they knew exactly what I meant because they had either felt it themselves or read about it in great works of Christian theology. St. Augustine called it “the sweetness.” Thomas Aquinas called it something mystical like “the prophetic light.” But all said yes, it will go. The feelings will go. The sense of God’s presence will go. There will be no lasting proof that God exists. There will be no formula for how to get it back.But they offered me this small bit of certainty, and I clung to it. When the feelings recede like the tides, they said, they will leave an imprint. I would somehow be marked by the presence of an unbidden God.”
“A sunset is God’s way of saying He loves you. A good grade on a test is God’s way of saying He loves you. Throughout any given day, God makes it so that you are comforted, secure and loved.”
“What does a spiritual person look like? An illiterate farmer can be much closer to God than a learned scholar of theology. One day, many people will say, “God I did this for you and I did that for you and I learnt this about you and I learnt that about you; so I deserve to be near you!” But God will say to these people, “I do not know you.” Then a humble farmer whom nobody ever heard of, will come and he will say, “God, remember me? I found you in the fields every day, and we sang together!” And God will say to that man, “Come, sit on my lap, we belong together.”
“Both Genesis and science say that the universe is geared to supporting human life. But Genesis says more. It says that you, as a human being, bear the image of God. The starry heavens show the glory of God, yes; but they are not made in God’s image. You are. That makes you unique. It gives you incalculable value. The galaxies are unimaginably large compared with you. However, you know that they exist, but they don’t know that you exist. You are more significant, therefore, than a galaxy.”
“The purpose of life is to find the purpose of life, and that is to search the light first and then to spread it.”
“And this need for communality of worship is the chief torment of each man individually, and of mankind as a whole, from the beginning of the ages. In the cause of universal worship, they have destroyed each other with the sword. They have made gods and called upon each other: “Abandon your gods and come and worship ours, otherwise death to you and your gods!” And so it will be until the end of the world, even when all gods have disappeared from the earth: they will still fall down before idols. (…) I tell you that man has no more tormenting care than to find someone to whom he can hand over as quick as possible that gift of freedom with which the miserable creature is born.”
“but what if God have seen,And death ensue? then I shall be no more,And Adam wedded to another Eve,Shall live with her enjoying, I extinct;A death to think. Confirmed then I resolve,Adam shall share with me in bliss or woe:So dear I love him, that with him all deathsI could endure, without him live no life.”
“Monotheism exhibits what is essentially a pathological personality pattern projected onto the ideal of God: the pattern of the paranoid, possessive, power-obsessed male ego. This God is not someone you would care to invite to a garden party. Also interesting is that the Western ideal is the only formulation of deity that has no relationship with woman at any point in the theological myth. In ancient Babylon Anu was paired with his consort Inanna; Grecian religion assigned Zeus a wife, many consorts, and daughters. These heavenly pairings are typical. Only the god of Western civilization has no mother, no sister, no female consort, and no daughter.”
“I cannot confuse the ‘battle’ with the ‘war’. For out of my weakness I am bound to lose a battle, but out of God’s strength I am guaranteed to win the war.”
“Let me talk about love,In such a way,In so many ways,That eventually you will become one like me.”