All Quotes By Tag: God
“Since I forgot to beg my alms yesterday,I am hungry and weak today.And since I am hungry and weak today,I didn’t beg my alms for tomorrow.What tomorrow will bring to me,I do not know, I do not care.Yet within this uncertainty,I am contented and gratified,That You chose me to be like this.Overfilling my heart with love for You,And my soul thirsty dry for Your love,That I die everynight crying for Your love,And I born everyday for to love You again.”
“Animals do not even know that God is someone else”
“God can set my destiny, but he can’t take my decisions”
“Loving you, I enlightened myself.”
“Trust me, I have never seen Her yet, but I swear, forever I have felt Her all over.”
“There cannot be dark without the light that will overcome it. Whatever darkness there is, God’s light shines brighter. It has to. He’s the Hero in every story–especially this one.”
“Pray to God, but row to shore”
“Father,” Chartrand said, “may I ask you a strange question?”The camerlegno smiled. “Only if I may give you a strange answer.”Chartrand laughed. “I have asked every priest I know, and I still don’t understand.””What troubles you?” The camerlegno led the way in short, quick strides, his frock kicking out in front of him as he walked. His black, crepe-sole shoes seemed befitting, Chartrand thought, like reflections of the man’s essence… modern but humble, and showing signs of wear.Chartrand took a deep breath. “I don’t understand this omnipotent-benevolent thing.”The camerlegno smiled. “You’ve been reading Scripture.””I try.””You are confused because the Bible describes God as an omnipotent and benevolent deity.””Exactly.””Omnipotent-benevolent simply means that God is all-powerful and well-meaning.””I understand the concept. It’s just… there seems to be a contradiction.””Yes. The contradiction is pain. Man’s starvation, war, sickness…””Exactly!” Chartrand knew the camerlegno would understand. “Terrible things happen in this world. Human tragedy seems like proof that God could not possibly be both all-powerful and well-meaning. If He loves us and has the power to change our situation, He would prevent our pain, wouldn’t He?”The camerlegno frowned. “Would He?”Chartrand felt uneasy. Had he overstepped his bounds? Was this one of those religious questions you just didn’t ask? “Well… if God loves us, and He can protect us, He would have to. It seems He is either omnipotent and uncaring, or benevolent and powerless to help.””Do you have children, Lieutenant?”Chartrand flushed. “No, signore.””Imagine you had an eight-year-old son… would you love him?””Of course.””Would you do everything in your power to prevent pain in his life?””Of course.””Would you let him skateboard?”Chartrand did a double take. The camerlegno always seemed oddly “in touch” for a clergyman. “Yeah,I guess,” Chartrand said. “Sure, I’d let him skateboard, but I’d tell him to be careful.””So as this child’s father, you would give him some basic, good advice and then let him go off and make his own mistakes?””I wouldn’t run behind him and mollycoddle him if that’s what you mean.””But what if he fell and skinned his knee?””He would learn to be more careful.”The camerlegno smiled. “So although you have the power to interfere and prevent your child’s pain, you would choose to show your love by letting him learn his own lessons?””Of course. Pain is part of growing up. It’s how we learn.”The camerlegno nodded. “Exactly.”
“You were told the big something/someone loved you especially but in the end you saw it was otherwise. The big something/someone was neutral. Unconcerned. When it innocently moved, it crushed people.”
“LIFE is not just a story ,it is a game of god that he is playing with us.HERE we are the player and he is a controller, he choose our destination with lifelines and give us many opportunity to enjoy it. so always has a smile on you face and solve your problems.”
“. . .the mad conjurer at the ward whose pet obsession was that gravity had something to do with the blood circulation of a Supreme Being.”
“Perhaps I can never go back and say what I should have. Perhaps I can never look forward and tell myself I’ll be something specific. Perhaps I can just let the hands of time and the hands of God create a path for me from the decisions I’ve made. Or, is it, that only death is absolute when God is the only thing in control of time?”
“People who try to cheat others in the name of God will be punished by God.”
“The Bad News is that Devil is playng on all sides, The Good News is so is God”
“If there is ambrosia in this world,Then it is your kiss,It is your kiss,It is your kiss.If there is alchemy in this world,Then it is your touch,It is your touch,It is your touch.If there is magic in this world,Then it is your face,It is your face,It is your face.If there is wonder in this world,Then it is your smile,It is your smile,It is your smile.If there is perfection in this world,Then it is you,It is you,It is you.If there is truth in this world,Then this is it,This is it,This is it.”