“Let me talk about love,In such a way,In so many ways,That eventually you will become one like me.”

“Love God unconditionally.God loves us unconditionally, we should love God unconditionally too.”

“Man puts obstacles in the way, but God walks over them as if they didn’t exist at all.”

“God will never be a dictator like man is.”

“When God gives me a plan, I don’t fit my plan between His plan. I scrap my plan.”

“Do what’s right, not what’s popular.”

“Yeah. Well. Whatever. You can’t teach God anything.”

“Please do not think God has forgotten about what you’ve asked. Your answer, similar to rain from Heaven, is being perfectly prepared to either drizzle, pour, or flood down at any unexpected moment even when we believe we’re in a season of drought. Hold on just a bit longer.”

“Since I forgot to beg my alms yesterday,I am hungry and weak today.And since I am hungry and weak today,I didn’t beg my alms for tomorrow.What tomorrow will bring to me,I do not know, I do not care.Yet within this uncertainty,I am contented and gratified,That You chose me to be like this.Overfilling my heart with love for You,And my soul thirsty dry for Your love,That I die everynight crying for Your love,And I born everyday for to love You again.”

“Though I never told your name to anyone and forever I have cherished you within my soul alone, but since you always were dancing in my eyes, the whole world has seen you through my sight, and knew it that you are my beloved for whom my love is all meant for.Though I never confessed my love to anyone and forever I have loved you within my heart alone, but since you are always resonating in my songs, the whole world has heard you through my words, and knew it that you are my beloved for whom my life is all meant for.Though I never admitted my ecstasies to anyone and forever I have treasured you within my thoughts alone, but since you are always reflecting in my joys, the whole world has understood you through my delights, and knew it that you are my beloved for whom even my death is all meant for.”

“Delay means God is planning.”

“Two days are the most important days of your life, first is the day when you were born and second is the day when you realized that you were never born.”

“For I write for love’s sake,For a chance to be read.For you hide for love’s sake,For a chance to be sought.For I seek for love’s sake,For a chance to be found.O my Love,You, You, You,Only You.”

“The more a man knows about individual objects, the more he knows about God. Translating Spinoza’s language into ours, we can say: The more a man knows about himself in relation to every kind of experience, the greater his chance of suddenly, one fine morning, realizing who in fact he is—or rather Who (capital W) in Fact (capital F) “he” (between quotation marks) Is (capital I).St. John was right. In a blessedly speechless universe, the Word was not only with God; it was God. As a something to be believed in. God is a projected symbol, a reified name. God = “God.”

“Eventually when I sought myself then only I found Him.”