“If there is ambrosia in this world,Then it is your kiss,It is your kiss,It is your kiss.If there is alchemy in this world,Then it is your touch,It is your touch,It is your touch.If there is magic in this world,Then it is your face,It is your face,It is your face.If there is wonder in this world,Then it is your smile,It is your smile,It is your smile.If there is perfection in this world,Then it is you,It is you,It is you.If there is truth in this world,Then this is it,This is it,This is it.”

“When we say it is the whole story, the cross tells us that death is only half the story. And it is by far the least compelling half.”

“Far too often I attempt to create that which God has already created. And maybe what I need to ‘create’ is the understanding that I will always fail to outdo what God has already done.”

“For self realization you need to take a step, a step backwards.”

“God allows problems to disrupt our space so He can fit in!”

“Blessed are You God, ruler of the world, Who created man in wisdom and created within him numerous orifices and spaces. It is known and revealed before You that if one of them should open when it should close or one of them should close when it should open, it would be impossible for us to exist. Blessed are You God, Who heals all mankind and does wonders.”

“​While God is inviting us to a joyful life of selfless generosity, the world is trying to seduce us into an all-encompassing selfishness… God invites us to a life of gratitude while the world masters discontent. God proposes trust; the world arouses fear. God promotes giving; the world promotes getting. God invites us to cooperate with his providence while the world rallies behind self-determinism. God appoint us in stewardship while the world touts ownership. The world encourages entitlement when in reality everything is a gift from God. God invites us to look out for our neighbor; the world tells us to look out for ourselves…”

“God vs. no God: much ado about nothing.”

“If God isn’t a chocolatier, he must surely be a confectioner.”

“My poems are my prayers for my Love,And in this way only,I have chosen to worship Him in this life.O you, witness of my joys,And follower of my madness.Will you read them aloud every time,So may He hear my grievances,That how much I have yearned Him in this life.”

“I write to understand myself,To comprehend myself,For how deeply I am in love with you.I write to express myself,To communicate myself,For what I have felt in love with you.I write to see myself,To realize myself,For how pure I have become in your love.I write to prove myself,To testify myself,For how much mad I am in love with you.I write to show myself,To confirm myself,For how I became enlightened in your love.I write to enchant myself,To enthral myself,For how much joyous I am in your love.I write to console myself,To solace myself,For a chance in a hope that you may read.”

“Procuro sonreir, no porque siempre esté felíz, sino porque siempre estoy agradecida con Dios…”

“I try to smile, not because I’m always happy, but because I’m always grateful to God …”

“We who play the game of life so desperately for temporal stakes might be playing at love with God for higher stakes—our selves, and his. We play against one another for possessions, who might be playing with the King who stakes his throne and what is his against our lives and all we are: a game in which the more is lost, the more is won.”

“Buddha, grant me wisdom so that I may do the right things in life.God, show me love so that I may see your beauty in everything around me.Allah, give me understanding so that I can see why things happen the way that they do.And…Ganesh, let me share your memories so that I do not forget what I have to do in life.”