“Allow God to be your source of joy. When you do that, you will have joy even in the midst of sorrow.”

“The Christian life is a process of better understanding what Jesus taught, learning to apply that teaching in our everyday lives, and then teaching others – people directly around us and people on the other side of the globe – to do the same.”

“If I take this imagination of mine and multiply it a thousand times over, even then I have yet to touch even the barest hem of heaven.”

“My poems are my prayers for my Love,And in this way only,I have chosen to worship Him in this life.O you, witness of my joys,And follower of my madness.Will you read them aloud every time,So may He hear my grievances,That how much I have yearned Him in this life.”

“The world is just a barrel-organ which the Lord God turns Himself. We all have to dance to the tune which is already on the drum”

“Toda la Biblia no era otra cosa sino una carta de amor del Padre hacia sus criaturas.”

“Imagine there is no God. There is no Heaven or Hell. There is only your son and his son and his son, and the world you leave for them.”

“Why was it that her gratitude heightened only after a vexing experience? How much peace did she miss out on by appreciating a rainbow instead of valuing the rain beforehand? Should she not thank God for both?”

“When we die, it’s not the angels in heaven that need our help. It’s the angels in hell.”

“God never intended us to do this on our own. God never anticipated as it was never in his plan, for you to do life alone.”

“My desire since adolescence to have a personal relationship with Jesus was coming true, and my heart beat hard with excitement.”

“I couldn’t bring myself to sing anything during worship and I was still furious at everyone who ever tried to tell me last year God works all things for good, but then during the message I just felt like God was reminding me that the whole history of the world is that it’s fallen. He promises redemption someday, just not yet. And in the meantime whole decades’ worth of the Bible is just grieving all these broken things.”

“The Universe is within Atma. It is so seen in the seventh plane. This is the first stage of the man who attains special Knowledge. This is solving the mystery in relation with Man, God and the Universe.”

“If God is omniscient, this doesn’t necessarily mean that he is omnipotent, too. Omniscience is associated with future events that cannot be changed. In similar way, it is impossible to change the causal chain leading up to the emergence of these future events, while omnipotence is related to the power to change and re-arrange this causal chain itself. Now the question is whether God can have it in his power to make such a change and re-arrangement? If yes, then God would contradict himself: how can God foreknow something that will not happen because of an alteration of the causal chain leading to its occurrence at a later time? If not, God would contradict himself, too: how can God be Almighty if he cannot alter what he believed to happen at a earlier time?”

“Sometimes, I forget who I am, but then I remember who God is, and that is when I remember who I am.”