All Quotes By Tag: God
“i’ve left in search of a new God. i do not trust the God you have given us. my grandmother’s hallelujah is only outdone by the fear she nurses every time the blood-fat summer swallows another child who used to sing in the choir. take you God back. though his songs are beautiful, his miracles are inconsistent.”
“It’s simple: Proverbs tells us that animal cruelty is inconsistent with Christian belief.”-Shenita Etwaroo”
“The most courageous thing a Christian can do is open up their hearts to the love and forgiveness of Christ and reflect Christ’s love to the world around them.”-Shenita Etwaroo”
“The day when you realise that you are not a part of Whole, but THE WHOLE itself.THE STORY CHANGES !”
“Man trims the hedges; God lets them grow.”
“Read the Bible for all.”
“26. Above all other reality there exists one supreme Being: God, the omnipotent Creator of all things, the all-wise and just Judge of all men. This supreme reality, God, is the absolute condemnation of the impudent falsehoods of communism. In truth, it is not because men believe in God that He exists; rather because He exists do all men whose eyes are not deliberately closed to the truth believe in Him and pray to Him.”
“When I think about God, I think of all the ways my life has changed and grown with every step of my Christian journey. I am infinitely grateful for the infinite nature of His love.”-Shenita Etwaroo”
“Can’t rely on guilt but I am sure on GOD’S forgiveness”
“CHORUSMany are the shapes of things divine.Many are the unexpected acts of gods.What we imagined did not come to pass –God found a wayto be surprising.That’s how this went.”
“Hatred is a man made emotion.”
“God was under no compulsion to create; but that does not signify that there was anything incidental or inconsequential about his act of creation. God is all that he does, and so his act of creating is not something that separates from himself. In God’s heart and in his love, each one of us has always existed. From all eternity God saw each one of us as an idea or thought in his divine mind, and for each one from all eternity he has a special and distinctive plan. We have always existed for him; creation signifies that at a certain point in time we begin to exist also for ourselves.”
“Time is a healer. Time is God.”
“The fear of God is one of the most extreme expressions of cowardice.”
“I would rather die by my convictions than die by the culture that defies them.”