All Quotes By Tag: God
“I would rather die by my convictions than die by the culture that defies them.”
“It has been said that my convictions served a generation that lived out its days in the backwaters of an ignorance fed comatose by intellectual stupor. And although I find it painful to say, I would contend that this is in fact an apt description of today’s generation.”
“You are what you eat.’ And that fact applies infinitely more to your soul than it does your body.”
“Nature isn’t argument it’s misery beyond human reasonable…..”
“Living all out for God certainly doesn’t mean we’ll have a safe life. It’s not supposed to be safe-or particularly easy. That doesn’t mean it always has to be full of turmoil and trials; it just means we want so much of God that we’re willing to do whatever He asks us to do. It also means we have a rock-solid faith and a deep, abiding joy that doesn’t depend on our circumstances.”
“Hindu,Jews,Christian,Muslim,shaman,satanic,Zoroastrian,mason and many other religions are somehow trusting a book of the things that happened and believed it right away, but never asked if those books were true or not.”
“Romantic Soul Seeketh Love but a Loving heart finds God”
“Accountability is the key to obedience for achieving Glory & Grace”
“Onward and upward he pushed until rock, ground, and forest came to an end, until there was nothing but a sharp edge of blunt earth protruding in the late light of the range, where he could see well beyond the park boundaries to national forest land that he had once scouted on foot and horseback. He remembered it then as roadless, the only trails being those hacked by Indians and prospectors. He had taken notes on the flora and fauna, commented on the age of the bristlecone pine trees at the highest elevations, the scrub oak in the valleys, the condors overhead, the trout in alpine tarns. He had lassoed that wild land in ink, returned to Washington, and sent the sketch to the president, who preserved it for posterity. What did Michelangelo feel at the end of his life, staring at a ceiling in the Vatican or a marble figure in Florence? Pinchot knew. And those who followed him, his great-great-grandchildren, Teddy’s great-great-grandchildren, people living in a nation one day of five hundred million people, could find their niche as well. Pinchot felt God in his soul, and thanked him, and weariness in his bones. He sensed he had come full circle.”
“We can thank God for the beauty in the world, and we can thank the Devil for the money.”
“- Then tell me of your long journey home, Ada said.Inman thought about it, but then he let himself imagine he had at last come out on the far side of trouble and had no wish to revisit it, so he told only how along the way he watched the nights of the moon and counted them out to twenty-eight and then started over, how he watched Orion climb higher up the slope of sky night by night, and how he had tried to walk with no hope and no fear but had failed miserably, for he had done both. But how on the best days of walking he achieved some success in matching his thoughts to the weather, dark or bright, so as to attune with what freak of God’s mind sent cloud or shine.Then he added, I met a number of folks on the way. There was a goatwoman that fed me, and she claimed it’s a sign of God’s mercy that He won’t let us remember the reddest details of pain. He knows the parts we can’t bear and won’t let our minds render them again. In time, from disuse, they pale away. At least such was her thinking. God lays the unbearable on you and then takes some back.”
“What’s moral to some people is immorality to another people conscience is justice…”
“Life must be reinvented! A mass elevation of the senses is of need…This was God’s intention.”
“If God existed, he would be a library.”
“So I think it is demonstrated that the God being good, and the Lord powerful, they save with a righteousness and equality which extend to all that turn to Him, whether here or elsewhere. For it is not here alone that the active power of God is beforehand, but it is everywhere and is always at work.”