“As the ninth-century legal scholar Malik ibn Anas, founder of the Maliki school of law, once quipped, “This religion is a science, so pay close attention to those from whom you learn it.”

“I have never seen Tsargrad, or angels, or heard the voice of God. But I think you should be careful, Batyushka, that God does not speak in the voice of your own wishing.”

“God alone has the power to make all things new”

“Being lost without knowing that we’re lost means that we have no idea that we need to be found. And if you have a hard time believing that that’s just about as lost as you can get, watch the news.”

“I possess the rather amazing ability to cure the need to ever be cured again. And I can do that simply by claiming the ability to cure myself. For in doing so, it won’t be long before I won’t be around to be cured.”

“God’s grace comes to us unmerited, the theologians say. But the grace we extend to one another we consider it best to withhold in very many cases, presumptively, or in the absence of what we consider true or sufficient merit (we being more particular than God), or because few gracious acts if they really deserve the name, would stand up to cost-benefit analysis.”

“I’ve been sitting here and thinking about God. I don’t think I believe in God any more. It is not onlyme, I think of all the millions who must have lived like this in the war. The Anne Franks. And backthrough history. What I feel I know now is that God doesn’t intervene. He lets us suffer. If you pray forliberty then you may get relief just because you pray, or because things happen anyhow which bringyou liberty. But God can’t hear. There’s nothing human like hearing or seeing or pitying or helpingabout him. I mean perhaps God has created the world and the fundamental laws of matter andevolution. But he can’t care about the individuals. He’s planned it so some individuals are happy,some sad, some lucky, some not. Who is sad, who is not, he doesn’t know, and he doesn’t care. So hedoesn’t exist, really.These last few days I’ve felt Godless. I’ve felt cleaner, less muddled, less blind. I still believe in aGod. But he’s so remote, so cold, so mathematical. I see that we have to live as if there is no God.Prayer and worship and singing hymns—all silly and useless.I’m trying to explain why I’m breaking with my principles (about never committing violence). It isstill my principle, but I see you have to break principles sometimes to survive. It’s no good trustingvaguely in your luck, in Providence or God’s being kind to you. You have to act and fight foryourself.The sky is absolutely empty. Beautifully pure and empty.As if the architects and builders would live in all the houses they built! Or could live in them all. It’sobvious, it stares you in the face. There must be a God and he can’t know anything about us.”

“Any place that I ‘run to’ most often turns into a place that I have to ‘run from’, unless of course that place is God.”

“Authentic greatness involves doing great things and then saying that I had nothing to do with it because God had everything to do with it. Anything else is my ego on a bender.”

“If God has called you from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light, if He has saved you and given you eternal life, if He has breathed His breath into your body and taken up residency in the form of the Holy Spirit, then trust that He has your best interest at heart. – Hidden Treasures”

“God is working behind the scenes on your behalf. – Hidden Treasures”

“Faith is that part of our souls that does not doubt the existence of God and a divine plan.”

“When someone discovers a mystery about the creations, Mother Nature, the world or the universe, then God smiles in joy!”

“The thumb may look like an ordinary finger, truly it is a miraculous gift from God! If all the fingers were long and straight, it would be impossible for us to hold or catch anything easily! If there were no thumb, then human civilisation would lag way behind!”

“The purest worship is to simply love — to see the image of God in every human; to love them as they are, how they are, who they are — without demand, without condition, without fear.”