All Quotes By Tag: God
“We have no idea what people are dealing with or the hurts and wounds that have been inflicted upon them. Personally, after reading this, I have been challenged to not be so complacent in my prayer life, and to be more intentional about doing battle for the lost and hurting who need me. ” – Christian Missionary Laurie Lester”
“My line of work is much deeper than anything a simple prayer can fix. I wrench the heart; I mutilate the mind. I burn wounds of hurt and pain and I make those inner demons come to the surface: sickness, sufferings, diseases! I know my place. Those little friends and their little God have nothing on me. Sure I have been in battle with God’s little angels and sure they may have won a time or two, but this is a different battle and we are living in a different time.”
“And look what just came in! She is being prayed for now! And look who he is praying to!! We are keeping a close watch on this situation. We can’t have her leave our side. Not by the Enemy. He’s already done enough!” Oh no. I saw those dreaded words on the paper. In the Name of Jesus. Pray to anyone else. Not to him. Not to that one. Oh. This can’t be good.”
“It used to be thought that hell was a lack of God, but hell is a lack of death.”
“The Holy Spirit whispered the messages of the Bible to the writers who captured them. But the Bible is not God. Our Creator wants us to worship him alone, and the Trinity can never be constrained to a box the size of a book on your bedside table.”
“Genesis was not intended to offer a scientific explanation for how non-being was transformed into being, how nothingness exploded into galaxies. The point is to tell us God was in charge, he had us in mind from the start, and we are to value the great gift of his amazing creation, and of each other.”
“True love springs from God and unites us all into oneness with the beautiful image and likeness of Christ.”
“Who is God? He is our Father. The one to whom we can turn with our requests for acceptance, for belonging, for safety, and for respect. God is the giver of good gifts.”
“Sadly, whenever I make my opinions more important than the difficult people God made, I turn the wine back into water.”
“Truth is the offspring of silence and unbroken meditation” Sir Isaac Newton”
“And they shall ALL be taught by God” Jesus Christ (John 6:45)”
“I complained to God when my foundation was shaking, only to discover that it was God who was shaking it.”
“God’ is a title, not a name – so be clearly mindful which (spirit) ‘gods’ you invite into your soulful experience.”
“How can I claim to be the center of my universe when I can’t even conceptualize that which I claim to be the center of?”
“Here’s the way to destroy your life in sixty seconds or less; convince yourself that something is ‘right’ simply because you want it to be, and then go act on it.”