All Quotes By Tag: God
“God will never be an atheist because he believes in himself.”
“The world has enough gods, more than seven billion of them, to diminish all its miseries and perturbations. Then why is it not good and safe a planet yet to live on! Because those Gods are sleeping and in their dream they are worshipping imaginary shadows of their inner divinity. They need to wake up first, in order to reign over the world and then transform it with their ceaseless streams of radiant divinity.”
“Wisdom without God is just an idea that’s not wise enough to understand that it’s just an idea.”
“Some believe God is in the sky,Others believe God is in the church But few believe God is in them…I wonder why?”
“What we have to share with others is neither a miscellany of human speculations, nor one more religion to add to the rest, nor really a religion at all. It is rather ‘the gospel of God,’ God’s own good news for a lost world.”
“Though gay men have begun to understand it is something in themselves these upright men so fear, too many of us have internalized their self-hatred as shame. That the flesh and the spirit are one in love is none of the business of the celibate men of God, especially those who believe they rule the province of love. But the mission of the homophobe is more pernicious even than his morality. He wants every one of us to be all alone, never to find the beloved friend.A man ought to be free to find his reason. Not that freedom alone will serve it up: it requires the gods’ own fury of luck to get two people to meet. But when it finally happens, two men in love can’t rejoice out loud—joy of the very thing everyone burns for—without bracing for the rant of prophets, the schoolyard bully, and Rome’s “intrinsic evil.” I try to remember that we fight as a ragged people to outlast the calamity so that others can sleep as safe as my friend and I, like a raft in the tempest.”
“God has already done everything that needs to be done.”
“God will take your good, bad and ugly and create a masterpiece.”
“You can’t make sense out of nonsense”
“Don’t set up camp in a olace designed for you to pass thru.”
“The key difference between gods and men in the manner of their dying was that men possessed only two deep obligations: to the earth, from which came their flesh, and to the stars, from which came their soul. Neither earth nor stars were particularly concerned about the return on their investment. Humans were very good at adding order to the earth, and enlivening the world of the stars with ideas and myth. When a human being died, nobody had a vested interest in keeping her around.”
“God alone has the power to make all things new”
“Being lost without knowing that we’re lost means that we have no idea that we need to be found. And if you have a hard time believing that that’s just about as lost as you can get, watch the news.”
“I possess the rather amazing ability to cure the need to ever be cured again. And I can do that simply by claiming the ability to cure myself. For in doing so, it won’t be long before I won’t be around to be cured.”
“God’s grace comes to us unmerited, the theologians say. But the grace we extend to one another we consider it best to withhold in very many cases, presumptively, or in the absence of what we consider true or sufficient merit (we being more particular than God), or because few gracious acts if they really deserve the name, would stand up to cost-benefit analysis.”