All Quotes By Tag: God
“Human love can be only a pale reflection of the emotion that God must feel for what He has created”
“Grace was not given so that we can freely commit sin but so that we can freely access God’s presence”
“It is the antagonism of the dogmatic world, and the apathy of the rest, that is the cause of the mental progress of the world’s not keeping pace with the material progress.Better still, the universal application of the material progress has been far in advance of the universal acceptance of mental achievement. The automobile, the gigantic ocean liner, the talking machine, the electric fan, the elevator, the telephone and the other marvelous achievements of man are being used by the greater portion of the people, whose mental status belongs to the wheelbarrow, the simple chair, the ox cart and the tallow candle.Slight is the realization by the users and beneficiaries of science’s modern methods, of the heroic struggles and battles that the great men and women of the past suffered to make possible these accomplishments.Oh, how many suffered torture and death at the hands of the very people they were striving to benefit!”
“Remember this: There will never be a solution to any of our fundamental problems, and mankind will never, in the full sense of the word, be free, as long as there exists in the human mind the insanity of religious belief. As long as God occupies a portion of our thoughts, mankind must be content to suffer the hatred and antagonism of man.”
“I have begun to see that often when we feel we have not reached the zenith of where God wants us, we are exactly where God wants us at the moment.”
“What God was giving the eunuchs, through Isaiah’s proclamation, was not just a place in society, and not just hope for a future. By giving the eunuchs the same kinds of gifts given to Abraham and Sarah–a name, legacy, family, acceptance, and blessing–God was consciously associating the two stories in the minds of the people. God was giving the eunuchs a story to connect to–a story that set a president, grounded in divine grace. That was the story I needed to hear. I needed to know that my problems were like the eunuch’s problems, which were like Abraham and Sarah’s problems, and that all of these complications were overcome by God’s great love.”
“We have no idea what people are dealing with or the hurts and wounds that have been inflicted upon them. Personally, after reading this, I have been challenged to not be so complacent in my prayer life, and to be more intentional about doing battle for the lost and hurting who need me. ” – Christian Missionary Laurie Lester”
“My line of work is much deeper than anything a simple prayer can fix. I wrench the heart; I mutilate the mind. I burn wounds of hurt and pain and I make those inner demons come to the surface: sickness, sufferings, diseases! I know my place. Those little friends and their little God have nothing on me. Sure I have been in battle with God’s little angels and sure they may have won a time or two, but this is a different battle and we are living in a different time.”
“And look what just came in! She is being prayed for now! And look who he is praying to!! We are keeping a close watch on this situation. We can’t have her leave our side. Not by the Enemy. He’s already done enough!” Oh no. I saw those dreaded words on the paper. In the Name of Jesus. Pray to anyone else. Not to him. Not to that one. Oh. This can’t be good.”
“It used to be thought that hell was a lack of God, but hell is a lack of death.”
“I love his passion, his power, his gentleness and his caress. His stories full of cries and laughter, his glory of the gods…at worst and best… The Ocean, my and only lover. My Ocean that the key to treasure chest possesses…”
“I want people to notice God’s actions in their lives and in the lives of others and to have sympathy for other people. I want them to see that there is something going on here that matters”
“Without faith, people perish, and they are perishing before our eyes”
“Stupid boy,You can get lost in every bookbut you can never forget yourselfthe way god forgetshis hands.”
“God lost me somewhere along the way … and didn’t come back to look for me.”