“Presence is not an object. It is the openness that beholds it all.”

“There are nightmares in which the Mother appears, her face hardened into a cold and severe expression. The fade-out of the loved object is the terrifying return of the Wicked Mother, the inexplicable retreat of love, the well-known abandonment of which the Mystics complain : God exists, the Mother is present, but they no longer love.”

“So if you are writing a story where love is the meaning, where love is the highest and best of all, where love is the point, then you have to allow each person a choice. You have to allow freedom. You cannot force love. God gives us the dignity of freedom, to choose for or against him (and friends, to ignore him is to choose against him).This is the reason for what Lewis called the Problem of Pain. Why would a kind and loving God create a world where evil is possible? Doesn’t he care about our happiness? Isn’t he good? Indeed, he does and he is. He cares so much for our happiness that he endows us with the capacity to love and be loved, which is the greatest happiness of all.”

“I sincerely believe we are created by a Creator to be creative. This is part of His image we bear, this bringing forth of beauty, life, newness…It looks like art, it looks like music, it looks like community, it looks like splendor. That thing in you that wants to make something beautiful? It is holy.”

“At the risk of oversimplifying the situation, there is a cure for the world’s ailments: love. Now, I understand, I am not a tree-hugging, tie-dye-wearing, pot-smoking hippie from the sixties who thinks love is the answer to every question. I am saying that if tomorrow morning every man, woman, and child on planet earth woke up convinced they are loved by the Almighty God, every war would end, abuse would halt, addictions would be no more, insecurities would be swept away, anger would dissolve, fears would subside, and conflict would be resolved. That is what God’s love does. People just need to be shown and told.”

“This is what God’s kingdom is like: a bunch of outcasts and oddballs gathered at a table, not because they are rich or worthy or good, but because they are hungry, because they said yes. And there’s always room for more.”

“God hasn’t forgotten you, He loves you and He sees the situation you are going through right now. He hears your bleating cry and nothing is impossible with for God. You just have to receive and believe His word because He’s a faithful God and His faithfulness last forever.”

“Don’t be scared of anything. Trust in the Lord and face the battle of life. There is no power on earth that can lay you low.”

“God dwells in the human heart. If you would find God, seek Him in the heart within.”

“The greatest power lies in Prayer & Recitation of Name Divine.”

“The Guru is one who dwells in the Light and the Light dwells in him.”

“It’s my God. This is a God I have found through sacrificing my own life, through my flesh being cut, my skin ripped off, my blood sucked away, my nails torn, all my time and hopes and memories being stolen from me. This is not a God with form. No white clothes, no long beard. This God has no doctrine, no scriptures, no precepts. No reward, no punishment. This God doesn’t give, and doesn’t take away. There is no heaven up in the sky, no hell down below. When it’s hot, and when it’s cold, God simply is there.”

“God is putting his world back together, and to do that he’s using the very people who broke it.”

“I’ve never much liked the whole setup of Christianity, with its emphasis on being saved, thereby acknowledging a debt that can only be paid by a lifetime of sacrifice and devotion. Must God’s love have strings attached? People who crave salvation should think about how they’re going to feel if it turns out that this God who saved them is, upon closer acquaintance, completely alien. He, possibly she (or, more likely, it), is not now and never has been one of us. Jesus clearly was not one of us, with his crypto-stories about the prodigal who is more beloved by the father than the dutiful son and the sliding pay scale for field hands, with his magic powers that run the gamut from improving the wedding beverage to blasting trees to raising the dead. These days we have born-agains everywhere, even in the White House, carping about how clear and meaningful everything is now that they’ve seen the light and accepted Christ as their Savior. There they were, just sinning along aimlessly, drinking and fornicating down that slippery slope lined with good intentions and ending you know where, when suddenly Jesus reached out and down or across and saved them. And now they feel grateful all the time, every day. It things go wrong, that’s God’s way of testing their faith, and if they are successful and make lots of money, that proves they have been chosen by God.It’s supposed to be all about free will, but there’s not much freedom in it. And if God is really so eager to save the desperate from themselves, where was he when my mother was knocking back the Seconal with her lunatic girlfriend from hell.”

“Quite often ‘wishing upon a star’ is a response to a dream that I’ve surrendered to a wish because it was bigger than me, instead of being a dream that has surrender to my wishes because God was bigger than it.”