All Quotes By Tag: God
“An aware theist understands that believing in God does not equal the fact of knowing that God exists.”
“Anyone claiming certainty about life, truth, creation, or purpose of the Universe, is either ignorant or unfit to comprehend the implications of the presented dilemmas.”
“If death is inevitable, who’s to say that there aren’t other things that are inevitable as well? A cross and an empty tomb say ‘yes’ and ‘yes’.”
“The most difficult thing is not the belief in the infinite. No. The most difficult thing of all is to believe that the infinite would be so grand and gracious as to reside in the smallness of us. That is what requires the greatest faith.”
“If I’m not willing to accept a God who does the impossible, I’m left with what’s possible. And that takes me no further than myself.”
“It is my passion to rise to great heights, but instead I dig holes where I plummet to great depths. And when will I learn that God trades shovels for wings?”
“My fear has brazenly taken pen in hand and redefined a horizon as the termination of everything instead of the beginning of many things. And the first thing I need to do is get my pen back.”
“Faith is not whittling God down to a size that I can comprehend. Rather, it’s whittling my need to control down to a size that God can intersect.”
“Easter recognizes that I am living in a prison of my own making, and that God is in the demolition business.”
“Some poeple take God and want to apply privacy settings on him to make him private to them like their social media accounts. What they don’t understand is that God is public and God is for everyone.”
“I almost stopped believing in God.””What?” Rose stared at her. “You can’t stop believing in god. You not believing in god would be like – like Taylor Swift not believing in break-up songs.”
“I have plenty of faith, but more often than not it’s faith in the belief that faith doesn’t work.”
“I project my limits on God when faith would say that I should be projecting His limitlessness on me.”
“Brilliance without prayer is like a car with four flat tires. It might be a truly fine vehicle, but it isn’t going anywhere.”
“I’m not alone, I will never be alone. God is with me,”