All Quotes By Tag: God
“Trying to have faith in ourselvesIs like looking for our glassesAnd finding themUpon our head.When we seek blessings, salvation, graceWe make the mistakeOf looking all around usInstead of going inside ourselves to findEverything we need.”
“You need more faith in self than in God to be successful on earth”
“Do something purposeful and wise so that when God sent his blessings, they will fall on it.”
“If you leave your soil untilled, you will not benefit from God’s rain. Even if God pours down a heavy rainfall, it will only grow weeds on your land.”
“God is willing to help you with the rain if only you can sow your crops.”
“The unbelievable is nothing more than my lack of faith in action. Easter is nothing less than God building my faith by putting the unbelievable into action.”
“It doesn’t matter which religion I follow as long as long as I am confident in my faith.”
“LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT MY FATHERMy Lord, the Creator, has many names, but He is one and the same. God is Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Sikh, and Hindu. God is love. God is truth, and the true light of love sees no walls. Do not abandon him even when your days are gray; for He is only returning your call when you asked for strength. The Creator will talk to you only in daylight, through the rays of the sun, and He does not use words. Instead, he will reflect his dancing mirrors inside your head, and they will communicate to your heart and change your biochemistry to see with His eyes and think like Him. There is no such thing as prophets and seers; for all of mankind was created equal. However, if you are open to love all without fear, and to forgive all without hate, He will radiate His love through your heart and eyes in a way that your magnetic field becomes a reflection of His sunshine. Yes, God is near and God is here. His tests are many, but so are his blessings. Yes, faith is the flame to eliminate all fear. For if you are truly good, serve Him, and stand only by your conscience — He will grant you whatever you ask of Him when you enter His heavenly garden.”
“Everyone should strive to become a citizen of the world. Boundaries were created by man, not the Creator. There is no such thing as ‘them vs. us’. There is only ‘we’.”
“If you neglect your fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, husbands, and wives, then don’t be surprised when the Creator is forced to neglect you. Neglect, and you will be neglected. Protect, and you will be protected. Reject, and you will be rejected. Love all, and all that love will be mirrored by the Creator and reflected back onto YOU.”
“How a person treats their parents is how they show their gratefulness to the Creator for life. How a husband and wife treat each other, is how they show the Creator how well they do with this gift of life, and how they value LOVE. And what each parent must teach their kids, are the valuable lessons they gained in life. A father must be good to his wife and daughter, because from watching this treatment — the son will learn how to treat all women, and his daughter will know what a good man is supposed to act like. And a mother must always remain morally good and faithful to her husband, be attentive to all her children, and be filled with patience, forgiveness, kind words, compassion and love — so her children are raised to respect all mothers, and know what a good woman is supposed to act like. If you neglect your fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, husbands, and wives, then don’t be surprised when the Creator is forced to neglect you. Neglect, and you will be neglected. Protect, and you will be protected. Reject, and you will be rejected. Love all, and all that love will be mirrored by the Creator…and reflected back onto YOU.”
“Obedience is not a momentary option…it is a die-cast decision made beforehand.”
“If God speaks universes into existence, I doubt a handful of stones and bones will keep Him out.”
“I tell them, the family whose faces I have not seen in decades, but they already know. Long ago they were pulled into the same gentle arms of the One who stayed with me while I was in the pit of death, weeping with me, healing me; the same arms that heard the prayers of a broken boy crying out for the dead he pushed in his cart; the same arms that were there, carrying each of them home. Our unfathomable grief is His, too.”
“An aware atheist understands that disbelieving God does not equal knowing that God does not exist”