All Quotes By Tag: God
“To choose not to be part of a team or religion does not make me non-religious; for my religion is Truth and I am very much in love with God. I do not need to align myself with a specific messenger if I already understand God’s message. And the way I think is not considered ‘New Age’, since common sense is not new. So long as you act and speak with love and truth in you, and are good to your fellow man — in that you treat everybody as you would want yourself to be treated, your heart will stand by God regardless of the label you have assigned to your mind.Someone once said to me, “With all the religions in the world, they can’t all be right.”And I replied, “Well they can’t all be wrong either.”
“Are we not created by one God?”
“Art according to art! Love according to love! This is taking the salt away from Heaven. Do you think Our Savior tries to make Himself talked about? He does not ask to be recopied. God cannot be deified without ridicule. He likes to be lived. Dead languages are dead. One must translate Him into all the living languages, and help Him to hide Himself to do good just as the Devil hides himself to do evil.”
“Preemptively interwoven into this ingeniously crafted existence is everything that we need to be everything that we are.”
“You have a God. You have a mind. You have a will. And somewhere you have a passion. And if you have enough faith to believe in the first and exercise the rest, you can achieve the impossible.”
“God has been FAITHFUL to me, that is why I have FAITH in Him.”
“Foolish is the man, and there are many such men, who would rid himself or his fellows of discomfort by setting the world right, by waging war on the evils around him, while he neglects that integral part of the world where lies his business, his first business, namely, his own character and conduct.”
“I bow down on my knees. And prayed; God help me! This was the moment of grace.”
“Amid the greatest difficulties of my Administration, when I could not see any other resort, I would place my whole reliance in God, knowing that all would go well, and that He would decide for the right.”
“To some believers, being on the pill or using a condom is a nonverbal way of telling God to go to hell.”
“No matter the height of them, faith takes the mountains that stand in front of us and makes them the road that passes under us.”
“To hide is our insecurities telling God that what we fear is bigger than Who He is. And in this case, maybe we should shoot the messenger.”
“Was the challenge truly impossible, or was that in fact a product of my attitude? And if I had to make something impossible, the odds are that it wasn’t and it is not.”
“It goes without saying that even those of us who are going to hell will get eternal life—if that territory really exists outside religious books and the minds of believers, that is. Having said that, given the choice, instead of being grilled until hell freezes over, the average sane human being would, needless to say, rather spend forever idling in an extremely fertile garden, next to a lamb or a chicken or a parrot, which they do not secretly want to eat, and a lion or a tiger or a crocodile, which does not secretly want to eat them.”
“Captivated by the Truth of God, the witness must only declare the wonderful works of the Holy One.”