All Quotes By Tag: God
“The grace of redemption is the gift of a RIghteous God.”
“Praise be to God for His great pardon of sins.”
“Knowledge of God and knowlegde of self give birth to humility.”
“If God should really speak to man, man could still never know that it was God speaking.”
“Faith is a good conscience of God.”
“[THE DAILY BREATH]Blaise Pascal, the famous mathematician, once said: “To those who wish to see, God gives them sufficient light. To those who doesn’t wish to see, God gives them sufficient darkness.” Seeing the Truth is a choice. Listening to my words is a choice. Healing is a choice. If want scientific evidence about the existence of God, there is a wealth of data to support it. Dr. Jeffrey Long, M.D. used the best scientific techniques available today to study more than 4,000 people who had near-death experiences and found themselves face to face with our Heavenly Father. Read the book “God and the Afterlife” and you will find it.If you want scientific evidence about Jesus being the Son of God, Lee Strobel, an atheist investigative journalist discovered it. Read the book “The Case for Christ” and you will find it.If you want scientific evidence about Jesus still healing today, study the ministries of Dr. Charles Ndifon, T.L. Osborn, Kathryn Kuhlman among others, and you will find it.But most importantly, if you want to fill the emptiness within you, and experience the perfect love, mercy and forgiveness, if you want to live in the peace of our Heavenly Father, give your body, your mind and your heart to Christ. Give your life to Jesus. The empty place you feel in your heart is reserved only for the spirit of Christ and nothing from this world will fill it. Look up to heaven, behold Jesus and Live.”
“God had faith in us to look after everything in and on the Earth. We just didn’t have faith in ourselves to do it.”
“Whoever does good, know God.”
“The greatest life is to love thy God with all your heart in obedient faith.”
“The Righteous God, does what is right.”
“Be still, and know that I will always love you.”
“Sometimes, in your battle with unbelief, your greatest ally will wrestle you—he might even make you limp—until you’re desperate enough to say, ‘I will not let you go unless you bless me.’ It is a great mercy to be brought to the point where you’re desperate enough to insist on what you need the most.”
“Because we are finite creatures who live in time, we cannot see things clearly. Be careful in judging others because the truth of their character and their situation may be hidden from your eyes. Only God knows the whole truth and only God knows the future. Don’t expect all the answers now, but be patient and trusting and seek to grow in love. Each act of love is one more step in the long journey to our true and only home, unity with God in eternity.”
“The testimony of God is true.”
“It is not sin as we see it that was laid on Christ but sin as God sees it, not sin as our conscience feebly reveals it to us but sin as God beholds it in all its unmitigated malignity and unconcealed loathsomeness. Sin, in its exceeding sinfulness, Jesus has put away. But when we perceive sin, then we are to trust the blood.”